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  1. Meditation: A Binding Thread Between Youth & Parents

    As youth what is it that we ultimately want from our life? Happiness is certainly on the list, right? What is it that our parents want for us? Happiness, isn’t it? So, when we have the same goal, why do we end up having rough relations with them? What is ...
  2. Sun Salutation mantras and their meaning

    The sun sustains life on earth. Our ancient seers acknowledged this and revered the Sun. The Surya Namaskar is an appreciation in motion that is offered to the sun. It involves twelve yoga postures or asanas signifying the sun's cycles which run at a ...
  3. Yoga & Relationships: Stretching Toward Commitment

    It is a few minutes past 5 a.m., the beginning of my daily yoga practice. My right leg is lunging forward, the right foot pointing to the front. My left leg is placed straight and solid behind me. I breathe in and raise my arms, stretching them slowly out ...