23 September 2015 - QA 3

Gurudev, at what age did you start having this inclination towards spirituality?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

See, I always had some interest in spirituality since the beginning. We all carry certain samskaras (impressions) through lifetimes; some we imbibe from the environment and some we carry with us through lifetimes. So the seed is always there.

This is not the first time that we have come on this Earth. We have been here many times before as well. If you pay close attention to children, you will see that any child up to the age of three years is able to remember the things about his or her past life. Children also try to express about it in their own way, but many people around them do not take it very seriously. If we actually try to listen and understand them then we will be able to know what their past was like. The past for each and every one of us is very deep and vast, but we never really pay much attention to this. When we go deep in meditation, when we go deeper in our sadhana then all these levels open up. All our past impressions from previous lives also emerge. The good impressions get carried forward with us while the meaningless ones get left behind.