To experience the Divine you have to withdraw your mind

18.12.2011 Afghanistan

If you see the world, you will not be able to see the Divine.

If you want to experience the Divine, you have to withdraw your mind.

What does the world mean? Limited identifications, limited understanding about life and judging people based on external behavior.
We fail to see the ‘self’ within the person. For example, there are several colorful lights here. If you just see the lights, will you be able to see the electricity that flows through all these lights? Similarly, if you just see the external behavior of people, you will not be able to see that it is the same consciousness in everyone. So, if you want to experience Divinity, you have to turn your mind away from the external world. By turning the mind away, it doesn't mean that you have to run away and live in a forest.

Turn your mind inwards for a short while. You have to come out of the chaos and conflicts that are clogging your mind. This process is called meditation. Just for a short while, feel that the past, present and future is a dream. When you know that everything is changing, you will be able to get a glimpse of something that is not changing. Just as you feel fresh after a good sleep, spending a short while in meditation will bring energy and enthusiasm to your life. Worries will disappear.

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