Meditation is easier than you think

Meditation doesn’t need to be difficult, either to learn or to practice. In fact, it’s probably easier than you think. Science shows that meditation helps you feel and perform better in all areas of life from lowering stress to improving relationships, from sleep to overall health. Who wouldn’t want that?

A powerful way to meditate, naturally

You’ll learn a practice called “Sahaj Samadhi Meditation”. Sahaj means effortless. Samadhi means a state of true meditation. Simply put, it’s an effective, personalised way to easily enter into a deep meditative state. Using the power of ancient sound, or mantra, you can effortlessly cut through mental chatter and connect with a state of deep rest and relaxation.




meditating correctly

How is the Art of Meditation different from mindfulness, concentration-meditation and guided meditation?

The Sahaj Samadhi Meditation (Art of Meditation) literally means 'effortless meditation'. It does not require controlling the mind like concentration meditations. Nor does it require vigilant observation of thoughts and emotion like mindfulness meditation. Thus, it has been found to be easier and quicker to learn. Transcending all thoughts effortlessly, Sahaj Samadhi Meditation takes you far beyond mindfulness. Unlike guided meditation, Sahaj Samadhi Meditation does not require accessories nor any guidance once learnt. And, generally, it takes you to a quieter and deeper place as well.

Discover lasting calm with clear focus

Easy to learn

The Sahaj Samadhi Meditation program is natural and effortless, both to learn and to practice.

Immediate benefits

The benefits are tangible, and cumulative - both the mind and body relax into a state of profound restfulness in which deeply rooted stresses dissolve.

Meditate from day one

Anyone can learn, and become fully proficient, in just a few hours of training and the practice itself is relaxing and enjoyable.

Be guided

Our instructors are committed to help you to learn meditation and to also guide you into a deeper practice.

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