Oct 22 ,2011 - QA 5

How to stop my mind and how to relax? Can you please advice?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You read this book, ‘Intimate Note to a Sincere Seeker’. I have given a number of techniques, methods. Listen to music, then the mind stops. Take a cold shower, water is pouring and then the mind stops. Watch the sunset or sunrise or just gaze at the sky and the mind stops. On many occasions it does, yes! Doing Bhastrika and Sudarshan Kriya what happens? The mind slows down. Too many thoughts are when the Pitta is our system is high - then also this happens you know. Or if the bowel movement is not okay then also it happens. We will have Shank Prakshalana here sometime. It is a technique where you drink a lot of water and cleanse your bowel, intestine and then also the mind calms down, that also helps. Or do a lot of exercise, get on the treadmill and work out. When you do a lot of exercise and when you start sweating, then also the mind calms down. So there are so many options.