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  1. Random

    Neither denying nor striving helps to solve problems. Solutions happens when you are calm and collected, you use intelligence, you are not lethargic but active and You have strong faith in Divine law ...
  2. Random

    Often one does not even know why one is in a hurry. It almost becomes a biological phenomenon to be in a rush. Wake up and become aware of the rush in you! ...
  3. Despite having Sri Krishna, why did Pandavas have to go to hell?

    No, some other time we will discuss Mahabharath. Right now the Mahabharath is against corruption. So all of us, everyone should join the fight against corruption. To eliminate corruption and set things right, all should take effort. You have done well in T ...
  4. Gurudev, what is the significance of Devi Puja?

    It was good no? Devi Puja is so nice. See the corn is hard, but when you put it in the popping machine with a little butter and little salt, what happens? The corn pops up and becomes popcorn, fluffy and very nice. Similarly within everyone, every individu ...
  5. Change is permanent in life. Does the knowledge in the Bhagavad Gita change as per the changing times?

    Bhagavad Gita has all the topics. We have to understand that. It has knowledge as per the time. ...
  6. In the (Mahabharata) war field, Krishna showed Arjuna his Vishwa roopa. When will you show your vishwa roopa?

    The conch has not yet been blown for start of war! Krishna showed the Vishwa roopa only to Arjuna. First you become Arjuna. How to become like Arjun? What is Arjuna? To prayerfully request for knowledge and to progress is Arjun. ...
  7. How can I always stay in Sakshi bhaav(witness state)?

    Drop (the word) 'always'. When it is possible, stay in Sakshi bhaav, that is enough. It is (the word) ‘always’ that creates complications. ...
  8. What is Divine love?

    That love which is free from expectations. We show love and based on that we carry out a business. How? 'When you were young, I brought you up, right? What have you done for me?' This is business. Do you understand that? A love that is free from all expect ...
  9. What is the difference between Dharana and Sankalpa?

    Dharana is keeping your mind on a specific thought, like what we do in the beginning of meditation. Like what we do in Yoga Nidra, we take our mind to different parts of the body. Similarly, we keep the attention on the breath or the top of the head, somew ...
  10. Gurudev, I want You to be with me always. What should I do for that?

    Just know I am with you. Do Sadhana, Seva, Satsang - that you don’t leave or forget. Do your duty, meditate, do your duty. ...