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  1. How to get over a broken heart

    The Strength to Move On Relationships can cause you so many problems and you get so heartbroken. When a relationship breaks down, you get so devastated as though you cannot exist anymore. At that time, it is wisdom that can give you the strength to move o ...
  2. Gurudev, can wisdom happen instantly? Is it the same with enlightenment?

    Yes, it can be gradual also! The other day, someone was telling me, “Gurudev, suddenly, I realized that I am happy all the time now, which I never was before!” A sudden realization comes that gradually you have become more and more happy. On ...
  3. Gurudev, what is the secret of the exponential growth of Art of Living world over?

    The effectiveness, sincerity, beauty and utility it adds to day to day life. Anything that is authentic, impactful, and original will always bring about a transformation, and take you on a long journey. ...
  4. Gurudev, can there be a dispassion and yet absolute enthusiasm in every role?

    Yes, don’t you see that in so many people here, who are totally dispassionate, and yet full of enthusiasm? Absolutely! Children have this. When they are crying, the tears haven’t even disappeared from their cheeks, and they start smiling and laughing also. ...
  5. Gurudev, if one is content then how can quest for spirituality arise? Is contentment relevant only to the materialistic aspect of life?

    There are levels of contentment. Frustration cannot take you anywhere, if it leads you anywhere at all, it leads you to more frustration! To get out of frustration, you need wisdom. And if wisdom doesn’t give you contentment, then it is no wisdom ...
  6. Gurudev, can you please talk about the chintamani in the center of the brain, and the tip of the nose, where the subtle body is connected to the physical body?

    Scientists say that the tip of the nose has a lot of information; we have not yet been able to process all of it. Any knowledge that you get, should pass through the test of scientific methodology, and that includes spirituality too. Scientific methodol ...
  7. Gurudev, is it possible to raise our awareness to that level where we know all things at all times?

    A lawyer has so many books on his shelf that he has studied, he doesn’t have to keep everything in his head. Whenever he needs any information, he picks up that book, isn’t it? Similarly, suppose you are a mathematics professor, you don&rsqu ...
  8. How To Deal With Problems In Relationships

    Q: Why do we lose we losing our freedom and lightness as soon as a relationship goes deeper? You don’t need to. A relationship should come from a space of contributing, not demanding, then it will be nurturing. In every relationship, if we think, “What ca ...
  9. I have come here far from our home to study, but I feel lonely. I have friends. Still, I feel something is missing. What should I do?

    You have asked the right question. How many of you feel lonely here? Raise your hands. (Many in the audience raise their hands). So many of you are feeling lonely? Then, you definitely must do the Happiness Program. Meditate and work towards elim ...
  10. Gurudev, I tend to think a lot about my future, my exams and their outcome and it always leads me to depression. How do I come out of this compulsive thinking?

    Know that every failure is a step towards success. Do you know that all those people who are now leading large corporate houses had suffered many failures in their early days? The ones who have started some of these large IT companies, in the early days ...