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  1. Mind is restless. How to control it?

    Through practice and experience the mind will settle down. It is through experience that one feels dispassion/detachment (vairaagya). What is dispassion? As a child, you would get excited about cotton candy, as though eating it was the sole aim in life. Ch ...
  2. When we do Sadhana, do we connect with the soul or with God?

    Are they separate or one? Are waves and the ocean separate or one? The wave is soul and the ocean is God. When there is ‘I’consciousness, it is the soul, and when the ‘I’ness is at rest, it is God. So no one has ever gone or can go outside of God. Now look ...
  3. I think about you all through the day, every second, is this a defect in me or is it okay?

    Well, it’s not possible to think all through the day. If the thought comes now and then, here and there, then they come and they go. Treat them like any other thought that comes and goes, doesn’t matter. We are all united in a very subtle level beyond the ...
  4. People say that I am not aggressive. Do I have to be? How can I be?

    To do something good if you need to be aggressive, you can show some aggression; but you know when you are meditating you don’t need to do that at all. You know, you don’t need to be aggressive, things will happen. People will say everything; if you are ag ...
  5. Dear Guruji, is there a karmic purpose of having children? What should be the ideal role of a parent in a child’s life?

    Ideal role for the parent is, you gain knowledge and bring the knowledge to them, make them good citizens, helpful for the society, not being selfish, not being self-centered, but one who would work for the world. ...
  6. I find it difficult to say ‘no’ to people or situations. How do I say ‘no’ without hurting?

    When you were a child, you didn’t want to go to school. If your parents had said yes to you not going to school and didn’t say no to you, where you would have landed? Do you see what I am saying? Sometimes saying ‘no’ is for good of the person. You must sa ...
  7. Question asked by Maharajji: All sages and scriptures have said that the greatest beneficence of human existence is the attainment of God, and God realization is the doorway to communion with the soul. Now the soul is already present and yet, in a sense unattained. So how can this impression be erased?

    When the mind is outwardly focused, it cannot recognize the soul. It is not aware of its own existence. For instance, when we are looking around at others, we lose awareness of our own body. We are not aware that we are breathing when we are looking outsi ...
  8. Gurudev, how to implement ‘sampoorna sharanaagati’ (total surrender) in day to day life? How to be conscious while doing daily tasks? That ‘I’ factor is there.

    Let it be there. Don’t worry. Don’t try to erase your ego; if you find your ego sticks, never mind, let it be there. Keep it in the pocket or your handbag. ...