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  1. I’ve read you’re supposed to be one of the three wisest people in the world, you are so intelligent there is no doubt about that but why do you look so innocent?

    Because I can’t hide it and I have no habit of hiding anything. I am just as I am, if you like it, thank you, and if you don’t like it, thank you. ...
  2. Why does a desire arise? Where does it come from? What is the purpose?

    All desires have got one goal, and that is happiness. If a desire brings unhappiness, it has not reached its goal. The goal of desires is to bring happiness. So, that is the purpose. Where does it come from? It comes when you are not aware of your Being, ...
  3. Dear Guruji, recently scientists have said that they can create life in a laboratory by manipulating and intervening the genes. Isn’t this contradictory to spirituality and religion, with man creating life and giving consciousness to innate objects?

    Not at all. You have heard this saying – ‘God made man in his own image’. Right? So, whatever God can do, man can do too. God made man, created him as his own image. It is written in the Bible. Right? There is a story about it in Mahabharata epic also, wri ...
  4. What is samadhi?

    When the mind is at ease and centered, that is a glimpse into samadhi. The experience you have when you lie down after the Sudarshan Kriya. When you feel – I don't know where I am but that I am. ...
  5. What are the three main things which have led to the success of the ‘Art of Living’?

    Sincerity of purpose, inclusive attitude (all inclusiveness, no one is outside of us, sense of belongingness), and God’s grace! ...
  6. Gurudev, can you see the aura of other people?

    Is this a big deal? You can also see. ...
  7. I have lost my trust, how can I regain it?

    Don’t make an effort to regain it. Listen to your heart. Trust can never be lost. Doubt as much as possible, but truth always stands up to the doubt. Truth is so strong that doubt cannot destroy it. So, it is good to doubt. And the trust which mov ...
  8. I have fallen because of such a big ego. What can I do?

    Never mind! If you have recognized that you have fallen, you will rise higher. That is good enough. You have recognized that your ego has been the hindrance. But now don’t fight your ego. Just keep it in your pocket. Let it be there. Don’t t ...
  9. Do I need a Guru?

    Do you need an answer? If you need an answer that means you need someone who have to give you the answer, and that anyone who gives you the answer automatically becomes a Guru. Guru means the one who gives the answer. The English word guide comes fro ...
  10. Please speak about what will happen in the year 2012. Is the world going to end?

    The year 2012 is a fascination. It has become such a sensation. No news is good news till it has become a sensation. We will have more work to do. People will become more spiritual. It will become a necessity and not merely a fashion. The Golden Age is ...