
Search results

  1. Croatia

    Research Effect of the comprehensive Art of Living yogic breathing programme on the physiological and psychological well-being Throughout 2006 – 2008 the first comprehensive study of the effect of the Art of Living breathing program on the physiological a ...
  2. Research in Oslo

    A study done by the University in Oslo, by Professor Fahri Saatciouglu; "Study was done on Breathe Smart participants who have been involved with party drug use. Their level of stress and anxiety was measured by two independent tools, Becks Depressio ...
  3. Stress Management for Law Enforcement Pilot Study

    Stress Management for Law Enforcement Pilot Study In an effort to identify effective tools to combat stress, Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey decided to pilot the International Association for Human Values (IAHV)/The Art of Living Stress Management workshop ...
  4. Cyclone relief efforts testi 1

    Katrina survivor It was just a fabulous course to be at peace and more centered, to be more at ease. It was simply great to be able to control the breath and realize how it is moving through my body. I was able to put all that together. ...
  5. Cyclone relief efforts testi 2

    Katrina survivor The course gave me much more than I expected. I was able to feel free and relaxed. I was able to find some peace where I had none. I had a feeling of peace, greater awareness and relaxation- something I didnt had before. ...
  6. Earthquake_testimonial8

    displaced resident of New Orleans The Art of Living course allowed me to release a lot of stress and chaos that I was feeling prior to that. It just allowed me personally to go really deep within myself, and it was very peaceful and serene and relaxing ...
  7. Earthquake_testimonial6

    Diaster Relief Staff from hospitals, faculty from primary schools and over 350 personnel from reputed hotels in Chengdu underwent the workshop. 50 school teachers and 250 students benefited from special workshops which were conducted in schools In Dujiang ...
  8. Earthquake_testimonial7

    Shaalkot village, Baramullah, Kashmir Until we did the breath exercises my heart had not stopped pounding, not since the earthquake. Now at last I am at peace. ...
  9. Earthquake_testimonial4

    5 years I used to feel that my brain has stopped working, there was no retention power left, now after the course I am feeling very fresh and I am thinking about the future. ...
Displaying 361 - 370 of 692