What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Intense Inner Transformation

    Sat, 22/09/2012
    Aachen, Germany So today the topic is IT - New Dimensions. Do you know, for me, IT means Inner Transformation. And if you say IIT, it would mean Intense Inner Transformation. We forget about our body, our mind, our breath, which is a whole technology in it ...
  2. Stop And See, Where Is Life Going?

    Fri, 14/09/2012
    Lima, South America So what should we discuss tonight? I am playing the role of the speaker and you are all listeners. How nice it would be for me to know what is it that you want to know tonight. You can think of topics. You know, to discuss something whi ...
  3. Making Correct Decisions

    Fri, 31/08/2012
    How many of you feel that without you doing any bad, you have gained enemies?People become your enemies. You have not done any harm to them, any wrong to them and still they become enemies.Similarly, you have not done any big favors to some people but the ...
  4. The Most Precious Thing In The World

    Thu, 30/08/2012
    Brazil, South America Now I am going to ask you a very serious question: Do you really greet a person or treat it as a formality? See, on a day to day basis, we greet people, we exchange pleasantries. It is all on a very formal level. Isn’t it so? Intellig ...
  5. Take A Look At Your Life

    Sat, 25/08/2012
    Durban, South Africa Wisdom can only blossom in a homely atmosphere, where we are informal and at home with each other. Do you all feel at home with each other right now?Why not we all just take a moment to greet the person next to us, behind us and in fro ...
  6. Is Faith Important?

    Mon, 13/08/2012
    Bangalore, India Yes, today your silence is over! (Gurudev says to the Advanced Course Participants) I heard two Advanced Course participants who were walking towards the lakeside. One asked, ‘When will the silence be over?’The other one said, ‘Tomorrow mo ...
  7. The Secret Behind Making A Marriage Work

    Sun, 12/08/2012
    Bangalore, India There is a connection between Emotion, Sound and Raga (melody). The last bhajan that was sung had the Jogiya Raga. You cannot associate this raga to Radha. If you say, ‘Shiva, Shiva’, it can be associated with the Raga of dispassion. Once ...
  8. The Guru Principle

    Sat, 11/08/2012
    Bangalore, India Annakut! (Gurudev says, looking at the spread of food dishes displayed on the stage)Today the women have made 451 varieties of dishes. This is the specialty of Gujarat; 451 types of food have been prepared by the volunteers from Gujarat.(A ...
  9. Lord Krishna- Epitome Of Love

    Fri, 10/08/2012
      Today is Lord Krishna’s birthday, and people are celebrating it all over India. Lord Krishna said, ‘I am never born and I never die. I am ajanmaa (one who is never born).’ Celebrating the birth of One who is never born is a very fascinating thing. Before ...
  10. Significance Of The Guru Disciple Tradition

    Mon, 06/08/2012
    Bangalore, India Sometimes I wonder, I have so many unending desires and you keep on fulfilling them. This makes me smile. How to get rid of hankering over desires Gurudev? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know your desires are getting fulfilled, that is enough. ...
Displaying 31 - 40 of 140