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  1. Dear Gurudev, we are made to meditate every day in school, but I don’t feel like doing it. Can you please motivate me?

    Remember one thing, meditation helps you to be more happy and enthusiastic. Have you seen babies? Sometimes they don’t want to eat food? If they don’t eat, won’t they become weak? Then the mother forces the baby to eat food. Similarly, ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, isn’t it an addiction to do sadhana every morning instead of making breakfast for my husband, or meeting friends, or watching TV and playing with my grandson?

    You doing mediation is in no way contradicting you making breakfast for your husband or for yourself. It’s not an alternative for breakfast. Meditation is not a choice for breakfast. This is like asking, should I use the toilet or should I brush m ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, I know that it is a recommended not to think during meditation, but all my best ideas come to me exactly when I sit for meditation in the morning. I don’t want to miss them and so I let my mind work during meditation. Am I doing something wrong.

    It is quite natural that when you are more relaxed great ideas come to you. Write them down but don’t stop mediation, continue. For some of you morning meditation is deeper, and for some others afternoon is better. For some body types, the ...
  4. Gurudev, what is better, doing one’s daily spiritual practices, or doing smarana (remembering God), or just observing the thoughts as they come and go?

    You shouldn’t split it like that. What we do when we sit for meditation is we keep thinking about work. And when we are working, we want to go and rest. When you’re working give your 100%, and when you sit for meditation, just relax and reti ...
  5. Should we exercise first and then meditate or vice-versa? Please guide.

    It is good to meditate after finishing your exercises. Even if you meditate immediately after getting up in the morning and then do your exercises, that is also fine. Both are alright. You do both and see which approach suits you more. It is good to med ...
  6. Gurudev, I often get visions during my practices about what is going to happen in life. What do I do?

    See, when that happens, just be natural and at ease. Do not get troubled. When you go deeper into knowledge and meditation, these things may happen. Just be simple like a common man. Do not get stuck in all this. It may be right up to 90% but there are ...
  7. Gurudev, I am unable to control my anger even after meditation. What do I do?

    Go deeper into meditation. Practice more pranayama. It is impossible that your anger does not quieten down after meditation as well. And if you still feel that your anger does not subside after meditation, then you should start observing yourself ver ...
  8. Gurudev, can one’s basic personality or nature change by practicing sadhana and meditation?

    The answer to this depends on what is your understanding of one’s basic nature or personality. If you tell me that anger is your very nature, then I am not ready to believe that.A person’s essential behavior is determined by the three ...
  9. Gurudev, out of the seven levels of existence, who meditates?

    When all the seven levels are in harmony, meditation happens. There is no ‘who’ there; meditation happens. When it happens, it shows its impact in all the seven levels - body, breath, mind, intellect, ego, and the self. ...
  10. Gurudev, how does grey matter increase as a result of meditation?

    This was done by a scientist and I have no reason to doubt them. I have seen changes in people in just 1-2 weeks of meditation. When people learn meditation, the experiences they share and the transformation I have seen in millions of people around the ...
Displaying 31 - 40 of 188