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  1. Do you represent religion?

    I represent spirituality which is the essence of all religions. I represent humanism which is the essence of all religions. I represent love and wisdom which is the goal of all religions, and I represent multi-religious dialogue and multi-cultural festi ...
  2. Recently we have seen the turbulence in the youth, can’t we setup cells that address this misconception about Hinduism, etc.?

    Yes, you know some people have made up their mind to fight with everybody, they can make a demon out of an angel. And you would wonder, why they would say things that dont make any sense? This is because they are not in their senses themselves. They hav ...
  3. What is your opinion about religion?

    Religion has a role to play. Everyone is born into a religion. All the rituals in your life go through that religion. It has a limited role to play. Religion is not everything. You should be more spiritual. When your movement is fro ...
  4. Gurudev, a saint gave me a yantra and asked me to worship it every day. Nothing good has happened. How useful are these things?

    Do not get caught up with these kinds of things. People may tell you to pay Rs. 5 lakhs, and say that you will get something, but don’t get into all that. I know of people, who claim to give you mantras they know nothing about. They have no clue o ...
  5. Gurudev, I am a Sikh girl and I wish to marry a Jain boy. But my father says that Sikhism is the best religion and that I should not marry outside my religion. He also says that I have betrayed my religion by joining the Art of Living. What do I do?

    No, there is nothing like that. Just ask him patiently, why he is in so much ignorance? Ask him why does he misunderstand so many things despite having come to the light of the Guru? It means he has not correctly understood the teachings of Guru Nanak D ...
  6. How can we promote tolerance between people in countries where religious minorities suffer?

    I am very glad you asked this question. This is my concern too. Day and night, I am also thinking on how to make people drop these minority-majority differences and come together as one human race, one human family. I think we can do this through educat ...
  7. Gurudev, what do you think about the massacre of the journalist of Charlie Hebdo (French satirical weekly magazine) in France, and what is the cause of all these terrorist attacks in Europe?

    Ignorance. Utter ignorance. People should have the freedom of expression. Let them say whatever they want to say. This is an inhuman act. See, on one hand you feel pity and compassion for these people because they have never had exposure to true ...
  8. Gurudev, you have compared religion and spirituality to a banana and its peel. Isn’t the banana peel important to protect the banana inside?

    Correct! Religion has its place. I am not a communist or an atheist who would say religion should be done away with. But what is the point of having a skin if there is no banana inside? If there is no substance, no human values, no compassio ...
  9. Gurudev, how well does being religious help me in my spiritual quest?

    It is a different dimension. A little bit of religiosity is good in life. It adds a flavor which is needed both for yourself and for the society to continue. You don’t need to go to a temple, a church or a mosque to pray and meditate. But j ...
Displaying 1 - 10 of 56