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  1. Gurudev, why there is pain in longingness?

    The pain is good will make you very creative. It will bring out the poet from within you, or it will make you an artist. It can also bring out the sevak in you. It can bring out the warrior in you. You have so many good qualities, and longing will bring ...
  2. What can I do to be more close to you and to spend more time with you?

    Well, take up some good project, do some work, then you will have more chance to interact with me and talk to me. You can’t get any more closer to me because you are already close to me. From your side you should always think that you are ...
  3. Why does the most beautiful music and most beautiful forms of art come from sadness and longing?

    Life has all the moods, only one mood will not help. In India they are called navarasa, which means the nine beautiful emotions. In that, fear is also one of the emotions. If you happen to see the Indian classical dance called Bharatanatya ...
  4. What should we do when we are feeling a longing for the Guru?

    The longing is good. Longing itself is the power. That itself is the greatest power. In Hindi, it is said "Tadap hi ishwar hai" (longing itself is God). Blessed are those who have longing. ...
  5. Speak on longing. Why do I have so much longing?

    Longing itself is God. When there is longing for the Divine in the heart, when longing arises in life for God, then one acquires siddhi (extraordinary abilities) in life. Without longing there can be no love, no perfection, no contentment and no ...
  6. Gurudev, when God itself has become a botheration, then what to do?

    Do not become a botheration for God!When you think God is your botheration, then you have become a botheration for God! This becomes a problem.Once a woman in Jamshedpur, or somewhere, was fasting for 8 days, and she said she will not ea ...
  7. Gurudev, over a period of time, there have been various emotions that have brought forth great literature, but those have been of negative emotions, like pain and longing and it does not feel apt. I feel one can go into greater levels of the positive side. How can I use both?

    You must remember that people are very different. We are not in a homogenous society, we are in a very heterogeneous society. Even within an individual, he is not the same throughout; his moods change, his feelings change. For example, when someone wa ...
  8. Gurudev, how to manage the feeling of loneliness? How to come out of the feeling that nobody needs me?

    You know, everything is going to finish, this whole chapter is going to end one day. You will be all alone! Yes? That is called Vairagya (dispassion). When you get into dispassion, you see that everything here is temporary! All the people you are s ...
  9. Sometimes my love for you brings me misery when I cannot be with you. My mind says you are everywhere, but my heart is not easily cajoled. What should I do?

    Just relax and keep yourself busy. There is so much seva that is needed in the world, so get on to that. Longing should be transformed into creativity. Longing can become an agent, a catalyst to bring out the creativity and dynamism in you. So use ...
  10. Gurudev, when longing becomes intense sometimes, it ends up with the feeling of anger or frustration. How to deal with it?

    Longing needs to be internalized, you need to go deep into meditation. Or give a creative form to it, write some poems or articles. Writing will help. You know, a lot of great works have come out of longing, whether it is painting, music, drama, literatur ...
Displaying 1 - 10 of 20