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  1. Dear Gurudev, if this whole existence is Maya or illusion, then what is the importance of being in action? Aren’t our actions just illusions as well?

    Yes, yes, yes absolutely. Once Adi Shankara was saying that the whole world is all illusion, everything is maya, it is not real, it is dream-like. Just now, wake up and see, all that has happened until this moment, is it there anymore? It ...
  2. I sometimes wonder, is there anything without Maya. Everything I see, feel or experience sounds like Maya in one form or the other. It makes me feel that there is nothing worth running after in this world and yet I run after you! Please help me differentiate between Maya and no Maya.

    Just follow your heart! Maya means that which can be measured. The word ‘measure’ comes from the word Maya. All that can be measured on this planet is Maya. What you see can be measured. If y ...
  3. Gurudev, if this creation is an illusion, then the knowledge which is a part of this creation is also an illusion. What then is the relevance of Upanishads and other scriptures?

    Well, then your question is also an illusion. Why should I answer an ‘illusion’? (Laughter) See, you should not make comparisons. Everything here is unique and has its own place, so it should be honoured and respected accordingly. ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, can you talk about Maya? How can we get rid of Maya?

    Listen, the word “measure” in English comes from a Sanskrit root called “Maya”. Maya means that which can be measured. So, "all this is Maya", means "everything here can be measured". Wate ...
  5. Though there is a realization, after so many years on the path, that the mind gets caught up in the world and the world looks so real. Is this natural, or one needs to put more effort?

    Yes, the mind gets caught in maya (illusion). You have to remind yourself again and again, and bring the mind back, and see that this is all maya (illusion). Turn the mind inwards. It is very interesting. The mind is so amazing. ...
  6. I have three questions. If God is present as consciousness in everyone, then why do we search for Him within ourselves? Why has He created Maya (delusion)? Why does He let wrong things happen in the world?

    Yes, you have asked a good question. The answer for this is that He does not like to remain quiet. Only if there is some chaos can He come down as an avatar to solve it. It is a game. I will ask you a similar question. Why do people play football or cr ...
  7. Gurudev, what is the purpose behind this Creation, Maya (the grand illusion), and the cycle of life and death?

    Do you play cricket? Now why do you play it? It is so pointless to run with a bat in your hand from one end of the pitch to the other! Why waste so many hours on that? All you do is throw the ball from one place to another on the field. What do you re ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, according to the Vedic scriptures, the whole world is an illusion, including the Galaxy, Universe, etc. I am not able to comprehend this. If you could please explain this further.

    Yes, it is obvious. If you study quantum physics, it says the same thing. The name and shapes of objects is not real, what is real is that they are all part of One Wave Function. Everything is made up of One energy. This is what the Vedanta alw ...
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