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  1. Gurudev, can you please explain the significance of the symbol of The Art of Living logo of the sun between the two swans?

    Use your creativity and think up the significance yourself. I will let you interpret it the way you like. Symbol is just a symbol. Some artist drew and showed it to me and I just accepted it. Even the name, 'The Art of Living' was not given by m ...
  2. Is Art of Living a sect? How do you define a sect.

    You have said sect. You should define what a sect is. Sect is perhaps a very closed mindset where you feel you are special and the other person is excluded. And this is true with every religion. People of every religion on this planet feel a special rig ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, what are your thoughts on Western therapies for trauma, depression, and anxiety? Is it contradictory or complementary to The Art of Living path?

    I would say Western therapies are constantly changing and progressing. Whatever therapy the West was using several years ago, they are no longer valid today, they have discarded it all. I would always go for a holistic solution. There are some aspects t ...
  4. Gurudev, after wandering and feeling lost for many years, I have found you. Please tell me where do I go ahead from here now.

    See, all that wandering around has gotten you tired. So now that you are here, just relax and be happy. Once you come to my school, then you are here for good, even after you have graduate.Usually in schools when you graduate, you move out. But my s ...
  5. Thank you Gurudev for constantly taking care of me, advising me, showing the way and providing help. I am achieving so much. Is there anything I can do for you?

    I think we can all do the Happiness Survey. We should go door-to-door and ask people, ‘Are you happy? If not, what is the reason?’ We have a Happiness Survey; two or three of you get together, go meet people in your area, knock on their door and say, ‘ ...
  6. Gurudev, I feel free in certain areas, and in certain aspects I feel bound. The more efforts I put to be free, the more bound I feel. How can I be free?

    I think you have too much free time. Get busy and keep working for the betterment of the world and you will see that all your personal issues and emotional issues will get resolved by themselves.Don’t waste time in thinking, what about ...
  7. Gurudev, I read recently that in India a new political party has come up that is against corruption and VIP culture, etc., in Delhi. I sometimes see this VIP culture in The Art of Living. Gurudev, do you encourage VIP culture?

    Absolutely not. There is no VIP culture, but does that mean everybody gets to do the same thing? No! They should play their roles properly.VIP culture is a preferential treatment that went on in Delhi. I even tell them in our satsangs that we should ...
  8. Gurudev, my problem is I doubt my convincing capabilities. I think I can't convince people, especially for this lovely Art of Living course which is so superb. What should I tell them.

    No need to try to convince anyone. Even I don't know how to convince people. Don't convince anybody. If you are convinced, that is good enough. If you have the conviction, that is good enough. And if you have the heart that others should also be ...
  9. Gurudev, spirituality is freedom for me, but many times I feel service at The Art of Living and other things are very conceptualized. Somewhere I cannot connect with such conceptualized trainings. How do I deal with this?

    It is the mind that creates a conflict. There is no demand on you to do all the seva. Do whatever you can. Seva is a must in everybody’s life because it brings fulfillment and happiness. And you do as much as you can, without tiring yourself down too ...
  10. Gurudev, all my life I have been learning, exploring and analysing knowledge. When I came to the Art of Living, I was told to stop thinking, analysing and just meditate, which I am unable to do. Please help.

    Look, here we are thinking, analysing! You should analyse, but don’t use that machinery too much, it needs some overhauling time. Don’t you give your car for servicing, after driving it for too long? Meditation is taking your mind to the garage, for servic ...
Displaying 11 - 20 of 38