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  1. When things change from I want to do it to I will have to do it, it becomes very difficult to act. What to do in such situations? It happens to me when I do seva?

    Commitment is essential. Without commitment there is no stability, no happiness, and no progress in life. So if you take a commitment you have to fulfill that. ...
  2. Commitment and Convenience

    A commitment can only be felt when it oversteps convenience. That which is convenient, you do not call commitment. If you just go on your convenience, your commitment falls apart causing more inconvenience! If you keep dropping your commitment because it ...
  3. The strength of commitment

    Question: Why is it easier for some of us to commit to our own welfare rather than that of others? Gurudev: Because you do not know that whatever you are committed to brings you strength. If you are committed to your family then your family supports you, ...

    A seeker of knowledge should forget about convenience, so should soldiers, rulers, students, seekers of wealth and all essential service providers. Those who want to be creative and adventurous transcend convenience. Those who are ambitious and have a ...
  5. I start to do a lot of things, but I don’t get to complete. Can you tell me a way how can I improve the situation?

    If you want to do, you can do anything. It has to come from within. With the determination, ‘I will do this job, and I will see to it that it gets completed’. This commitment from within will help you, and get you through. Got it? Nobody can do ...
Displaying 11 - 15 of 15