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  1. Gurudev, do Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva really exist, or do we just awaken the qualities attributed to these Gods by doing Pooja?

    Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are present inside our own body as Shakti (the life force). Do not think that they are seated somewhere in the skies. So the qualities (attributed these Gods) will blossom by themselves as we continue to do me ...
  2. Gurudev, there are so many different prayers in Hinduism. Some for Devi, some for Vishnu. In each prayer it is said that with regular recitation of the prayer one will be benefited. Now all prayers say the same thing, how do we know which one to follow?

    See, the first thing to understand is that God is One. No matter by what name you may call him, he is One. That is one thing. Secondly, it is not true that God is pleased by listening to His Stuti (devotional songs or hy ...
  3. During a few festivals, we give all kinds of grains as donation. Why is it said that one should not give salt as donation along with the grains?

    This is just a practice. It has not been mentioned in the shastras. Do not worry about it. There is no dish that does not have salt in it. Everything contains salt in some quantity. Everything that is offered during a ritual contains some salt ...
  4. Dear Guruji, what is the real meaning and importance of Rudra Pooja? And what happens to the people or the place?

    Rudrabhishek is an ancient chanting which was downloaded from the Aakasha (space). When the ancient sages and Rishis sat in meditation, they heard, and what they heard, they started transferring to other people. The effect of Rudrabhi ...
  5. There is one request Guruji, can we all please have Rudra Pooja with you tomorrow; Monday morning?

    Okay, we can sit together and listen to Rudra Pooja. We will do that. Those who are doing Advance Course for the first time you may not unde ...
  6. What is the purpose of performing a long pooja as opposed to a short pooja.

    Well, it is just like your daily meditations and your advance course with longer meditations. They all have their impact. Poojas don’t have to be too long, but these poojas are done for the masses. Not for one individual, but for the entire population.
  7. It is said that we should not do any pooja during ‘Rahu kaal’. However, why does Sunday’s satsang always happen during Rahu kaal at the ashram?

    It is not said that we should not do pooja during Rahu kaal. In fact, it is good to do pooja during Rahu kaala. However, marriages and house-warming ceremonies must not be done during this time. It has only been said that one should not do any materialist ...
  8. Gurudev, what is the significance of ‘deep’ pooja on full moon day?

    The ancient tradition is either full moon or new moon is a celebration, and in a celebration we light a lot of lamps. This is done even today. Whenever you see that there is a celebration, you put a lot of serial lamps and serial lights, is it not? Al ...
  9. It is said that we should not keep the photographs of our deceased parents along with the pictures of the gods and goddesses whom we worship. Some people also say that we should not even hang the photographs of deceased parents on the walls of our home. Is it true?

    No, there is no problem with it. You can keep the photographs of your departed parents along with the pictures of god, it is fine. If it is a sanyasi, even his picture can be placed with that of God, even when he is alive. If he is leading a grihastha (mar ...
Displaying 11 - 19 of 19