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  1. Gurudev, how to be humble yet authoritative at work?

    That is a skill that you have to manage. You have to be humble and yet firm. It is easy to be strict and arrogant, and it is easy to be humble and weak. But humility with weakness is no good. Strength with humility is the most appreciable quality.
  2. Does attraction to the enlightened bring joy and peace, or is it like any other desire? Also, why are the enlightened ones so attractive?

    No idea! When you are so centered you are equidistant from everybody. That is the beauty of the center. The center is equidistant from every point on the circumference, and every point on the circumference feels so close to it, so totally connected to i ...
  3. When we read about the bad deeds of people in the newspaper, can it also affect our karma?

    No, you should read it lightly. If you take it into yourself, yes it affects your mind. Otherwise, it won’t affect anything else. Read lightly and forget about it. It is all part of the universe. ...
  4. Gurudev, I am living in a phase in which I am allowing my emotions to take over me, and I am aware of this. Otherwise, I feel they get suppressed. Am I on the right path?

    Emotions are such that sometimes you should abstain from them, and sometimes you should express them. You can’t take extreme views here. You cannot always suppress your emotion and you cannot always keep expressing your emotion. Both will bring ...
  5. Keeping Your Focus On You!

    Sat, 30/05/2015
    Gurudev, how will you guide the modern youth who want to join politics for the betterment of our country? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First, you do your sadhana and broaden you vision. Second, you need to have enormous patience. You go with a big vision and the ...
  6. Gurudev, Sanjay reported to Dhritharastra (of all the happenings of the Mahabharata war), do you think we could get back to those siddhis of staying at home and knowing what was happening in the world. This would make my life much easier as I am a reporter.

    The brain has invented something called the cell phone. You can stay at home and get all the information on the cell phone. You simply have to keep it charged. In the same way, if you charge your spirit, your intuitive ability will get enhanced an ...
  7. Gurudev, across the world yoga is a billion dollar industry, India now has a Minister for yoga too. Could you list out what India should do to become the crest jewel of yoga once again?

    We need to have a quality control in yoga; anyone cannot say anything and call it yoga. All yoga teachers should do certain hours of the practice of yoga each day.Today someone attends a yoga class for a week and then they become yog ...
  8. How can the true nature of a person be known?

    Why do you want to know the true nature of another person? Know your own nature, that is good enough. Don’t sit and judge others, you never know! If your time is good your enemies become friends, and if your time is bad then your closest friends w ...
  9. Gurudev, how will you guide the modern youth who want to join politics for the betterment of our country?

    First, you do your sadhana and broaden you vision. Second, you need to have enormous patience. You go with a big vision and there are all chances that your vision is squashed and smashed and it may reach a point that you will want to throw it awa ...
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