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  1. What is Yoga? How can it help bring peace?

    Yoga is a technique which unites the body, mind and spirit. Yoga relieves you from stress and tension. It is stress that causes weakness, anger, jealousy and all the negative emotions. When you get rid of stress using breathing techniques, ...
  2. What is the purpose of Yoga Nidra and how does it work?

    It works, doesn’t it? You take your attention to different parts of the body one by one, you see how the body and the consciousness are separate. Yet, they are one with each other. ...
  3. I am very interested in yoga. I have started training on the Kundalini Yoga. Can you talk about the importance of yoga and about Kundalini yoga?

    I would recommend you not to go into Kundalini yoga and all these things. It is anyway coming up naturally. You have done the Sudarshan Kriya, Shakti Kriya, and Advance Meditation Course, and it is moving very smoothly, and very nicely.I have seen m ...
  4. Can you please discuss the link between quantum physics and yoga?

    Quantum physics has discovered that matter does not exist. What exists is just wave function.The table, floor, ceiling, all appear to be there, but they are all just wave functions. If you take one piece of matter and go deep into it, you will see t ...
  5. Let Us Do Away With Corruption

    Fri, 03/14/2014
    Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (Below is a continuation of the post The Road To Freedom Is Through Wisdom) The root cause behind all these problems is corruption, and we need to eliminate it. To eliminate corruption, we need to start with ourselves first. Let us ...
  6. Gurudev, you have mentioned a few days back that wonder is the basis of Yoga. Could you please tell us what is Yoga?

    Yoga is uniting; uniting the small mind with the big mind. Bringing harmony between body, breath and mind. <br> Mind and body are both there, but if the body and mind are not aligned then it is not Yoga. In Yoga you are bringing them in harmo ...
  7. Women will be playing a very important role in the next years as the new era progresses. So, how can they develop Shakti (strength) so that they can be more empowered to do a better job? (Márcia De Luca: Specialist in Yoga and health from Brazil)

    First thing I would say is, they should watch their food. More healthy food, more organic food.Second is, they should not stop singing. In this country, if you see in the villages, when women go for working in the fields, they keep humming and singi ...
  8. Gurudev, what is Raj Yoga? Is it only for kings?

    Raj Yoga means getting things without much effort. What you are doing is Raj Yoga. You are getting everything on a platter here. You didn’t have to do all that Lord Buddha did. How many years he walked miles and miles! What not he did! He f ...
  9. Gurudev, in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras very little is explained about Asanas (yoga postures). Then why do people connect Asanas to Yoga?

    Because that is what is visible on the outside. So people go on speaking and relating about what is visible to them. Hatha yoga (a branch or limb of Yoga dealing mostly with postures) is only a very small part of the Ashtanga Yoga (Eight fold ...
  10. Gurudev, today the problem of Insomnia has become quite prevalent, especially in the developed countries. Is there some solution to this problem to be found through Yoga and meditation? I have started to experience this nowadays.

    Yes, of course there is a remedy to this through Yoga and meditation. You should practice Yoga Nidra and the Yogasanas (Yoga postures) regularly. It will definitely help. You also have Ayurvedic medicines such as Shankhapushpi and Medhya R ...
Displaying 21 - 30 of 44