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  1. Inner Peace Outer Dynamism (IPOD)- An Interaction with the Youth

    Mon, 02/05/2018
    What is the Sign of a Youth? Not being stuck in one place – that is a sign of youth. Enthusiasm, dynamism, progress, and wanting to do tough things! Isn't it? A big program was organized in Pune, like this one. After the program, a youth was driving me to ...
  2. What Is Surrender and How to Surrender?

    Wed, 01/24/2018
    “Surrender does not mean running away from responsibilities, it is a sense of assurance in you that yes, things are going to be well. Click To Tweet The Meaning of Surrender A desire comes into your heart. You don’t know where it comes from, but it comes. ...
  3. What is Ego?

    Tue, 01/23/2018
    What is Ego? If you ask me, I would say, Ego is not being natural, not feeling at home, and not having a sense of belongingness. This is what creates tension and problems within you. It makes you stiff, it makes you suffer and brings tears to your eyes. E ...
  4. A Message On Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Thu, 01/04/2018
    “If culture and dharma is still alive in India today, the credit for that goes to Guru Gobind Singhji. Click To Tweet Indian land will always be indebted to Guru Gobind Singhji because of the way he brought change in this country. All the 10 Gurus have don ...
  5. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's New Year Message- 2018

    Mon, 12/31/2018
    The Changing Time, Mind and Events There are three principles that are closely interlinked – Time, Mind, and Events. None of the three are stagnant, they change. Time, Mind, and Events move all the time. When the Mind is stuck to Events, then there is suf ...
  6. A Christmas Message

    Wed, 12/24/2014
    A Message of Love When the sun is there, there is a lot of activity. But at the time of the year when there is very little sun, when there is very little activity, when nature is sleeping, and when everything has gone into hibernation, in that still and q ...
  7. The Six Kinds of Wealth – Shat Sampathi

    Wed, 12/20/2017
    Since ancient times, it is said that strength of character is very essential. The Shat Sampatti are the six virtues that contribute towards one’s greatness in character – hence termed as wealth. In this article, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains each ...
  8. How To Attract Grace Into My Life?

    Thu, 12/14/2017
    Whenever there is victory, it is due to some grace. Whether it is a victory in sports, in a lottery, in studies, in a competition, or in politics – all of it happens through grace alone. When a person forgets that and gets into ego, then it results in the ...
  9. Why It Is Important To Be Generous

    Wed, 12/13/2017
    "Give in such a way that the other does not even feel they have taken. This is generosity, and this is beauty." Click To Tweet Two Internal Tendencies Taking from another Giving to another Which value system we are imbibing in our children is worth noting. ...
  10. A Message on Dattatreya Jayanti- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Sun, 12/03/2017
    Today is Duttatreya Jayanti. Birthdays are observed to remember the good qualities one possesses and celebrate them. Dattatreya Symbolized the Guru Shakti Atri Rishi had no children, so he adopted Dutta. Dutta means given, taken, or adopted. That is why w ...
Displaying 31 - 40 of 7041