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  1. What makes one a good life partner? What attributes to look for in a good life-partner?

    I have no idea, or experience. You should ask people who have been successful in finding a good life partner.Maybe you can try this one idea, whomsoever you choose as your life partner, contribute towards their life, and don’t demand any ...
  2. With an alarming rise in the number of divorces is marriage necessary? Doesn’t it add baggage to love?

    See, marriage is an important institution. Even to ask this question, somebody got married and that is why you are here. Isn’t it?I think you will see that you need some stability in life at some point of time. And marriage is a very sacred in ...
  3. Gurudev, my wife always complains that I do not tell her ‘I love you’. But it is not in my nature to express love through words. Is it necessary to express love?

    See, there are different ways of saying and expressing love. Just find a way that suits you and say it. If you cannot say it in words, then express it by making some hand gestures. Or you can write it and give it to her.If you are away, in another p ...
  4. Gurudev, I feel, if I marry, I will be caught up in worldly matters and will sway away from spirituality. A person looking for enlightenment should marry or should not marry?

    You are putting me in a fix now. If I say in one way or the other, you will ask me this question again in a different manner. Whether you marry or remain single is your personal choice. And, you can have both. You can have a married life and you can als ...
  5. Gurudev, you said that love cannot be limited. Is marriage the end of love?

    (Laughter) Well, I don’t know that. I have never been married. If you are asking in the sense that marriage is the end of love, then that is not how it should be. But if marriage begins with love for each other, it is okay. Even if it blossoms duri ...
  6. I realize how attached I am to some of my desires and dreams, such as, having a family for example. Do I have to practice detachment to make it happen? Does the spiritual path involve detachment from all of our desires?

    Look, if you have too many desires that is a problem. it is too scattered. Focus on one desire at a time. Do you really want to get married? Why didn’t you do it so far? Are you being too picky and choosy? When the time comes you don’t go ahead, and l ...
  7. Gurudev, my ambition is to change the world and do seva. My unmarried friends are telling me to get married and my married friends say forget about changing the world, you won’t even be able to change a TV channel. Whom should I listen to?

    Listen to your own needs, your own heart. There are people who are married and miserable; there are people who are unmarried and miserable. Whereas there are people who are unmarried and happy and there are people who are married and happy. You better belo ...
  8. I want to get married to a Christian guy. Is it necessary for me to get converted into Christianity?

    You should ask that to the guy and his family. I think you should keep your own faith. Whatever is your own faith, stick to it. I don't think you should compromise on that. You should keep to your faith because that is healthy in many ways&ndas ...
  9. Gurudev, I feel, if I marry, I will be caught up in worldly matters and will sway away from spirituality. A person looking for enlightenment should marry or should not marry?

    You are putting me in a fix now. If I say in one way or the other, you will ask me this question again in a different manner. Whether you marry or remain single is your personal choice. And, you can have both. You can have a married life and you can als ...
  10. After a couple of failed relationships, how do I overcome the desire to be in another relationship. I feel guilty when I wish I had a partner, because in the past I have failed.

    Okay, there are two things that you can do. 1. If you feel that it (relationship) is not for you then move on, move alone like a lion. 2. If you feel that you really need it, then try again till you succeed. Keep trying all your life, till you go ...
Displaying 31 - 40 of 66