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  1. Gurudev, we should not expect anything from others but is it wrong to expect from ourselves?

    It’s ok if we expect but if it is not met then doesn’t matter, relax! ...
  2. Gurudev, I get fooled a lot of times. What is that I should do to be wise?

    When you get fooled it is not only because of lack of intelligence but also because of greed. People who are very greedy get fooled very fast. That is what I have noticed. If you are over ambitious and greedy it is easy to fool you, but if you are ...
  3. Gurudev, what is the significance of Mangalsutra? Why do parents say that it should never be removed after marriage? Is it okay not to wear it?

    Once I was coming from Paris airport and I was boarding the flight. One lady came and asked me, showing me her ring, ‘is this necessary?’ I just looked at her and said, ‘no, not necessary, it is okay if you don’t want to have a ring.’ All that it mean ...
  4. Gurudev, in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says, ‘Ananyashchinta yanto mam ye jana pari upaasate teshaam nitya bhi yuktanaam yogakshemam vahaamyaham.’ What does it mean?

    One who thinks of me and me alone; who keeps me in his mind and heart, I will free him; protect what he has and give him what he needs. ...
  5. Gurudev, how I can be independent of the result of my actions?

    When you surrender all the past actions and are ready to face the consequences of those actions. If I stole something and I say, ‘yes I have stolen, give me whatever punishment you want to give me.’ I am ready to take the punishment. That is what surr ...
  6. Gurudev, what is the technique behind, ‘you are everywhere yet nowhere and you are nowhere yet everywhere’, can you teach us?

    Hollow and Empty! Relax and let go. It is the ego, that ‘I am’ is separate from everything, from existence. That causes the sense of not being part of the whole or not being the whole itself. ...
  7. Gurudev, sometimes I feel bored with seva, satsang and knowledge. Is something wrong with me and am I on the path?

    You know there are 9 obstacles in the path of Yoga. I have already spoken about it in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Vyadhi, Styana, Samsaya, Pramada, Alasya, Avirati, Bhranti Darsana, Alabdha bhumikatva and Anavasthitattva. These are the nine obstac ...
  8. Gurudev, sometimes I feel I am wasting my life by doing common things which people do like getting a degree, a job, marriage and children. I want to do something for the world. At the same time I want to fulfill the expectations of my parents and life partner.

    Yes, you want to take care of your personal life and you want to do something for the world. Now, if you think they are in conflict with each other then you cannot move even one step forward. First of all know they are not in conflict. If you are alre ...
  9. Dear Guruji, India has been driven by Gurus. Why doesn’t the Indian education system give importance to Gurus when it gives so much importance to religion and God?

    I also wonder about it. The people who have made the syllabus have never seen a Guru or they have never been to a Gurukul. So they have formulated the text books with their own limited prejudice knowledge. I keep hearing there is a lot of prejudice in ...
  10. Gurudev, yesterday you said it is easier for industrialist to fight corruption together, but even that is difficult. There are so many laws and regulations. It is difficult to run a unit without breaking some law or the other? What should we do?

    I tell you in action there is no 100% perfection. I will give you an example. Here we have an Ayurvedic college and the hospital is supposed to be 1.5km away from the college, this is the dictated norm. Now the village is 2.9km away. So I sai ...
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