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  1. Gurudev, Ramji's guru was Vashishtha and Krishna's guru was Sandipani, who is your Guru?

    Sandipani and all the Gurus are still there in the omnipresent guru-tattva. Adi Shankaracharya is among the lineage of Gurus. In my childhood and youth I had the satsang of many great saints. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was there, Shankaracharya, and some very ...
  2. Dear Guruji, India has been driven by Gurus. Why doesn’t the Indian education system give importance to Gurus when it gives so much importance to religion and God?

    I also wonder about it. The people who have made the syllabus have never seen a Guru or they have never been to a Gurukul. So they have formulated the text books with their own limited prejudice knowledge. I keep hearing there is a lot of prejudice in ...
  3. Gurudev, does a devotee find the Guru or does the Guru find a devotee. What is the meaning of a Guru?

    The word ’guide’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Guru’. Guru means the one who removes ignorance and teaches you knowledge. A Guru teaches you how to live by example and not just by books. Mother teaches you by example, she is the first Guru. Then ...
  4. Jai Gurudev, can a devotee get angry with the Guru? Does a devotee have the freedom to do that?

    Yes, a devotee can be angry, no problem. It is very safe to be angry with the Guru. Tell me, does anger ask you before it coming? No! You get angry and then later on you feel guilty; I should have not gotten angry. So don’t try to justify your anger at tha ...
  5. Gurudev, in my times of difficulty I have been seeing you in clouds, in the sky.

    God gives us miracles every day in our life but there are times we don't see it. Become aware of it and see the abundance. Miracles are in abundance. Don't go after miracles; miracles are there to bring the trust in you, ‘yes the divine is taking care ...
  6. Gurudev, what is the difference between a Saint and a Guru? Kabir, Guru Nanak, Gyaneshwar, and Mirabai were all saints.

    These are all names, it is all the same. Those who increase your sattva are Saints and those who remove ignorance are Gurus. ...
  7. Gurudev, people say that the mother nurses her baby only when it cries. Is it the same with the Guru?

    Whatever your sankalpa is, so it shall be. Whatever you believe, that is how it turns out. Have this faith in your heart that whatever you need you will get when it is time; and if a want arises, just pray. ...
  8. Gurudev, can a person have two Gurus?

    Honor all the masters and walk one path. Because you served them they have sent you to this knowledge. ...
  9. Jai Gurudev. It is said only when your time comes do you meet your Guru. And it is said that the Guru chooses the disciple and not the other way around. Can you talk about this?

    Never mind whomsoever has chosen, once they are there it is okay, right. It can be this way or it can be that way, never mind. ...
Displaying 91 - 100 of 105