Marriage Means Sacrifice

Tue, 07/15/2014 Montreal, Canada

You say the consonants without vowels. Without 'Aa', 'Ka' cannot be said. Without 'Aa', 'Cha' cannot be said. None of the consonants can be uttered without vowels. And when you try to utter consonants without vowels, the mind stops. Try it!
When you try to utter 'Ka' in your mind without 'Aa', you mind stops, your breath stops. Try and see, keep eyes open and do it in your mind! The secret lies there...

It is words that cause you disturbance. Words are made up of letters, and letters are called Akshara, which means The Imperishable; they come from the imperishable consciousness. They come from the space or being which is imperishable, and they take you to the imperishable.

Say 'Pa' without 'Aa'!
How many of you noticed that the breath stops, and the mind stops.
This is something new!

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