What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Taking The Decision To Retire

    (Below is the continuation of the post Selfless Service Is The Key To Joy) My children have gone abroad for higher studies and I am now alone at home. I often do not know what to do, and feel a sense of emptiness. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, until now, you ...
  2. Tough People Make You Strong

    All the knowledge that I have listened to, seems to vanish out of my being when my mother-in-law comes to visit. How can one forget and forgive someone who is constantly behaving in a harsh manner? Please give the advice to the mother-in-law. Sri Sri Ravi ...
  3. See God In All You Meet

    (Below is a continuation of the post Tough People Make You Strong) Dear Gurudev, is it possible to be your devotee and a devotee of Jesus at the same time? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, if you are a devotee, it is good enough. There is only one consciousn ...
  4. To Lead: Create A Shared Vison

    (Below is a continuation of the post Leading with love and wisdom) You ask women to dominate the world but what would you tell the men who dominate women? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When men pose challenges to women, then women should take it as an invitation ...
  5. Take The First Step Boldly

    A family dominated by a woman is much happier than a family dominated by a man! Do you know why? When men dominate, women become unhappy, and when women are unhappy, they make everyone around them unhappy! Then nothing can make them happy! So, it is bette ...
  6. Leading With Love And Wisdom

    (Below is the continuation of the post Take The First Step Boldly) In a country like Indonesia, where 51% of the population is men, how do we make men realize the importance of women, and their role and function in a family? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You have ...
  7. How To Understand The Purpose Of Life

    How is spirituality going to combat materialism, separatist tendencies, corruption and criminality in the coming generations? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Do you know the reason for criminality to exist? It is because of stress. And what is the reason for stress ...