2 July 2012 - QA 14

What do you think about dating websites? Is it a good way to find someone special?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, you know, I only speak based on my experience. I don’t know about this. In this field, I am an alien! You ask someone around you.
This is like going into a grocery shop and asking for gas.
You go to a garment shop and ask for a suitcase, it doesn’t make much sense.
There are people who have been to many dating websites, ask them. And don’t go to those who are successful, go to those who are unsuccessful because they have tried it many times, they will tell you what you should not do. So, take the advice from those who have been searching for many days.

You know, I heard about a lady conducting a seminar called, ‘How to make love work’, and she was divorced seven times! Someone thought it is ridiculous that a person who could not make her own marriage work seven times is giving a seminar. I said, ‘No, she is the most qualified, because she knows all the pitfalls and how many times she failed.’ So she can warn you about what you should not do. Isn’t it Mikey? (Referring to Michael Fischman)
Mikey thought it was hilarious, but I had a different logic to support that lady. See what logic can do! It can support anybody, and can take you from anywhere to anywhere.
This was way back in the late 80’s, when I first came to California and we had a course.
There were about fifteen people in the course. Half of them were travelling with me, and many were new. Then some people told me, ‘Guruji, there are too many seminars here in California. There is no point. Nobody is going to do The Art of Living Course and the Sudarshan Kriya. You better focus where people have the interest. Here, many things happen, like the How to make love work workshop, and all those sort of things.’
I just listened. I heard them but I did what I wanted to do. I went back again.
Next time, there were a little more people for the course, about twenty five people. They said, ‘See, why you are wasting your time and money?’
Those days we had very little resources to travel. They said, ‘It is already so saturated with all sorts of seminars.’
And I went again next time. Today, we have a lot of centers in California. Many people are getting benefit out of this.