27 May 2016 - QA 3

You always say that if someone breaks our heart, you are there for us, we don't have to worry. What to do when you break our heart?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

That means you are blossoming and growing. When a seedling breaks, it becomes a plant. Without a seed bursting, it cannot become a tree.

If you want to blossom in life, don't think, "Gurudev should look at me. Did he see me or didn't? Gurudev said 'Jai Gurudev' to the person standing next to me, he didn't look at me and smile". All this goes on in the mind, drop all that! When you are looking here and there, I definitely look at you! And when your sight is fixed on me, then I can rest. This does not mean that you give me more work! (Laughter)