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  1. How To Attract Grace Into My Life?

    Whenever there is victory, it is due to some grace. Whether it is a victory in sports, in a lottery, in studies, in a competition, or in politics – all of it happens through grace alone. When a person forgets that and gets into ego, then it results in the ...
  2. Karma and Reincarnation

    The Meaning of Karma The most commonly used word that is misunderstood is "Karma." An action could be latent, could be in the form of a tendency, and it could be something that happens in the future. These are the three forms of Karma. So Karma means: The ...
  3. The 3 Types of Karma

    The 3 Types of Karma No event or action can happen without a cause. There needs to be a cause for every result. So every effect has a cause and this cause is Karma. Many people think Karma is fate. Karma is not just fate. The literal meaning of Karma is “ ...
  4. What is Karma?

    What is Karma? There are billions and billions of living creatures and so many kinds of feelings arise within each of them. All of these feelings propel or cause some action. That feeling is called Karma, and the (resultant) action is also called Karma. C ...
  5. 5 Ways to Overcome Problems

    "Know that there is a higher power that will hold your hand throughout your journey of life, and you will overcome all the problems and be successful." Click To Tweet Once a wise man drew a line on a board and told his student to make the line shorter with ...