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  1. Despite knowing that I should not miss my daily kriya, the gap is increasing. What should I do?

    Never mind. If you cannot do kriya, do some pranayama. If you cannot do that, just sit and meditate. If you cannot mediate, then just think about the time you have spent here; think about the knowledge and the words I have said to you. If you say that y ...
  2. Gurudev, can you explain more about mental illness? Is it unbalanced vata or is it karma? How can we help them?

    Just serve such people. People with any mental diseases like depression and others can be helped through yoga, pranayama, and meditation. There are many which you cannot help, you simply have to accept them. ...
  3. Gurudev, there are many young children who are aware and awake, and know that they are here for some important work. How do we support these gifted children?

    Yes, there are many children who are telling their parents that my real home, my real family is in the ashram. Many children are saying these sort of things around the world; many have become vegetarians, isn’t it? How many of you have seen that? ...
  4. Gurudev, is there a punishing God. If not, who is punishing me? I want to live without punishment.

    No, there is no God punishing you at all, don’t worry. It is only your karma that comes back to you. If you don’t chuck the karma, the karmas come back to you.Karma is, you do some action and the reaction to the action comes back to yo ...
  5. Gurudev, I always feel that I have received more than I deserve, and I feel uncomfortable..

    You should feel comfortable. When you feel you have received more than you deserve, you become grateful, you feel life is a gift to you. When you feel that you really deserve this, then you become arrogant, dominant, rude, and rough. It is only when you ...
  6. (A member of the audience asked a question which was inaudible).

    You are love. Drop this guilt. I want to tell you one story. This is the story from the life of Lord Buddha. It also includes forgiveness.   One day Buddha was giving a sermon and conducting a meditation. One gentlemen came from the ...
  7. How to stop worrying?

    Know one thing – one day you are going to go under the ground. You will be finished. Everybody else will also be finished. What are you worried about? You are worried about money? You are worried about somebody’s opinion? You are worried abo ...
  8. How to Stop Worrying

    I am coming to Costa Rica after 15 years. What big change has happened here! Now tell me, does it really matter what topic we speak about? Today, if you go onto google you will find information on almost every topic. Ask me that what google cannot give yo ...
  9. (A member of the audience asked a question which was inaudible).

    You are love. Drop this guilt.   I want to tell you one story. This is the story from the life of Lord Buddha. It also includes forgiveness.   One day Buddha was giving a sermon and conducting a meditation. One gentleme ...
  10. How to stop worrying?

    Know one thing – one day you are going to go under the ground. You will be finished. Everybody else will also be finished. What are you worried about? You are worried about money? You are worried about somebody’s opinion? You are worried abo ...