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  1. Qualities Of A Blossomed Consciousness

    Dear Gurudev, what is devotion and how is it that some people have it and some people don't? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, I would like you to take these two words away from your dictionary - surrender and devotion. Both these words are very confusing. Th ...
  2. Why Meditation Is So Effective?

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Key To Being Happy) I think today the world consciousness is improving; however, on the flip side, you see all this negativity and unrest happening. Yet simultaneously, there are more people concerned about the wor ...
  3. The Key To Being Happy

    Gurudev, I’m a little puzzled as to what style of parenting I should adopt. Sometimes I feel like I’m too strict, and at other times I joke so much with my 12 year old that he calls me a joker. I’m a little bewildered. Please help me. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ...
  4. Secret To Good Relationships

    Dear Gurudev, is there a difference between the soul and the mind? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Mind is that which perceives. See, 'you are looking at me' is through the mind. If mind is elsewhere, you can’t see me, right? If you’re not paying attention, if you’ ...
  5. How Celebrating Our Differences Brings Us Together

    (Below is the continuation of the post The Key To A Happy Life) In our World Cultural Festival, there were many challenges, many things seemed impossible. One was the seven acre stage that had to seat 8,500 artists. All the artists had to sit at different ...
  6. The Key To A Happy Life

    My goodness, look at all the decoration that has been done! I think you all get bored looking at me, so you want to look at something more. This decoration is for all of you to look at and enjoy; it is not for me, your smile is good enough for me. Cooking ...
  7. Whats The Point Of Praying

    (Below is a continuation of the post How To Create A Life Of True Fulfilment) I want to be 'Sthita Pragna' not get drifted by cravings and aversions. What should I do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The moment you recognize that there is craving and aversion, I am ...
  8. How To Create A Life Of True Fulfilment

    The seed becomes a tree and then the tree becomes a seed. So the fulfillment of the seed is in becoming a seed again. Unless the seed becomes a tree, and tree bears fruit, the seed is not complete and the cycle is not complete. From a seed to a seed is th ...
  9. Any Time Can Be A Good Time

    How to balance excellence and dispassion? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Whenever you are out of balance, it pinches you. Listen to the pinch, that's all. If you have too much passion and no dispassion, you will lose night's sleep. When you cannot do anything, you ...
  10. Is There Any Right Or Wrong

    I loved your tweet about spontaneity and impulsiveness. Could you also talk about righteousness and 'rightness' Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: "Often one confuses spontaneity with impulsiveness. While the former is the secret to success, the latter has only caused ...