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  1. Gurudev, even though there is no difference between Lord Vishu and Lord Shiva, who originated from whom? The Vishnu Purana glorifies Lord Vishnu and the Shiva Purana glorifies Lord Shiva.

    When you think, who originated from whom, you are thinking on linear terms. But truth is not linear, it is spherical. That is why this is also true and that is also true. From which side you see, that is where it comes from. If you ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, what is the meaning of truth is multi-dimensional?

    Yes, it says it. See, to come to this place, someone will say, ‘The direction is to go straight and turn left’. I would say it is correct. Another person would give the direction, ‘Go straight and turn right.’ I would say that is also c ...
  3. Gurudev, Devotion and Surrender are said to be signs of intelligence. But both Devotion and Surrender are beyond the intellect. Then how can they be its identifying features?

    See, truth is not of one type alone. Truth has many facets. So you can both prove and disprove any principle. Take any principle; you can prove it as both, correct and incorrect also. Both are possible, okay! Think about it! If you feel it is right t ...
  4. Dear Guruji, Sage Ashtavakra says in his Ashtavakra Gita that we are not the doer. Yoga Vasistha says that self-control is necessary for self-realization. This seems contradictory. Can you please shed some more light on this?

    Truth is contradictory. Truth is multi-dimensional. It appears to be conflicting and contradicting, but is really not. To come to this place, there could be one direction, which says, ‘Go straight and then turn left’. But if you come from another dire ...
  5. On one hand you mentioned that we are insignificant akin to dust. On the other hand, you said look back through out your life and see how you overcame challenges. See that there has been a guiding hand. The question is, if we are insignificant, why is there a guiding hand in the first place and if there is a guiding hand, is it fair to say that we are insignificant?

    Till you know that there is a guiding hand you are really insignificant. But once, you know that there is a guiding hand and you are part of it, you become very significant. Charcoal and diamond are made up of same material. Coal in itself is insignif ...
  6. How to fight for truth? I have become tired fighting for truth. Will truth not triumph in Kaliyuga? Please show the way.

    Definitely, truth will triumph all the time, but you need to be skilful. Dharmaraj Yudhishtira kept talking about truth, but he did not have skill. When Lord Krishna came, he was the one who brought skill in him. Without the help of Krishna, he would ...
  7. In terms of speech, what is Satya (truth) and Asatya (untruth) and when we take a vow that we’ll speak only satya, what do we mean by that?

    Be true to yourself, honest to yourself. That is what it is. If your conscience says I don’t want to do it, don’t do it. If it says you should do it, you should do it, got it? If you tell a lie, your whole body loses its strength. That is why it ...
  8. Gurudev, truth exists, then why is there need for its authentication?

    Demanding proof is a characteristic of the mind. Feelings do not ask for proof, the mind does. To satisfy and quiet the mind, proof is needed. But just holding on to it is also an obstacle. That is why in the tendencies of the mind pramana (proof), viparya ...
  9. Gurudev, I had spoken to you several times and you said, ‘all this is maya (an illusion), leave it’. So what is maya, and why is it bothering me needlessly? I am looking at you now, is this also maya and all that is happening now, is that also maya? If it is, then what is the truth?

    This is all maya. Your desire to know what is truth is the beginning of the quest for truth. This is where the journey begins. You want to know the truth not because someone said this is all maya but because you realize for yourself that everything is ...