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  1. Gurudev, when we put our focus on others, we get weak. Like when Yudhistira (character from Indian epic Mahabharata) put his focus on the Pandavas (Yudhistira's brothers) he got weak, but Krishna told him to be centered. Does this mean we should not be sensitive to others?

    You must know the difference between being sensitive to others and getting caught up in the emotions of others. These are two different things. You can easily get caught up in someone else's emotion, and lose your centeredness. Then your ...
  2. How does one introduce emotional intelligence in kids and help them get better at that?

    You don’t need to introduce it to them. They already have it. It is not a tablet that you make them swallow from the outside. They do have it. First, there is emotional development in children, later on the intelligence comes. Emotion is already t ...
  3. Gurudev, in your discourse on the Kena Upanishad, you said- “Withdraw all your senses”. Are you saying that we should be in a state of abstinence all our life? Or is it just to control our emotions through a particular day, that you are saying the same?

    Emotions have their own place in life. But they should not control you. They should be under your control. But if you get into the grip of the emotions, then there is only misery in life. ...
  4. Gurudev, is sexual energy and meditative energy the same energy?

    Yes, it is only one energy in the body, but it manifests in different forms, in different chakras. Sexual energy, love energy, intellectual energy, sharpness, awareness, anger; all these are related. You would have heard about the seven ch ...
  5. How to escape from emotions?

    There has to be firmness in between all emotions. There is no need to escape from emotions. Emotional upheavals will keep happening, but you have to become strong through them. ...
  6. Gurudev I need your guidance. I am a mother and a wife, and I run a small school. There are times when things go wrong entirely, and I can’t concentrate or be myself at my workplace. How do I manage that?

    It is okay if it is only sometimes. But if it is often then we need to attend to it. First of all, know that as an individual, you have the capacity to multi-task. If you think, ‘Oh, I am a mother, I cannot be good at the office. It is not possib ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, I have heard a little about reflections. How many reflections do we have, and what does that mean?

    When you have said a word, you have also attached a meaning to it. Reflection is simply reflection. Whatever you see on the outside. Action is a reflection of what you are. Your thoughts, your mind, your emotions are a reflection of what you are. In s ...
  8. Gurudev, there is amazing energy during and after the course. It is like an explosion. But then I do things that bring my energy down in 2-3 days. What can I do to avoid it this time?

    Energy fluctuates, but don't be concerned about it too much. You seem to have too much free time, looking at your own energy, whether it is going up or down. Keep yourself busy. When you are busy, everything falls in place. Where is the ...
  9. From many stories I understand you are omnipresent and all knowing. This sometimes makes me feel a little fearful that you know all about the mistakes I make. What is your attitude towards the mistakes? Are you angry when you see me making these mistakes over and over again?

    Not at all. Do you know that devotees are more powerful than the Guru himself? Do you know this? It is so. You must have heard of my Guru stories, but I have many devotee stories. I will share one with you. In the last week of November, I was touring i ...