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  1. Gurudev, you have often said that you are not the doer. Please help me understand this as I have been stuck in the self-blame game for past incidents.

    Come on, wake up! All that happened in the past is finished, it is like a dream, it is done! You did something wrong and you learnt a lesson from it, it is finished. Now, move on. Broaden your vision, and don’t worry about doership and non-doershi ...
  2. Gurudev, what is vairagya and how can I continue to live in it?

    Let us take vairagya to mean contentment. Whenever you are content, that is vairagya. If you have had a full meal, and someone brings more food, you will say, "No I am full", that is vairagya. You cannot exist without v ...
  3. Gurudev, during the Ganesha festival, Shankaracharya has depicted a few forms of Lord Ganesha, could you please elaborate?

    Yes, Shankaracharya has depicted the forms of Lord Ganesha very beautifully. If you read the Ganesha Atharvashisha (Upanishad), you will know of many forms of Lord Ganesha.Ganesha is present in all directions, in every possible form - the E ...
  4. Gurudev, I always face a loss in business. People around me tell me that by doing more of Sadhana and Seva, I will get profits and progress in my business. I do not understand how Sadhana and Seva can help in bringing progress in my business. Please explain.

    The five factors important for any task are: Kartaa (Doer), Karma (right action), Upakarana (instrument or approach), and so on. I urge you to find out the other means by yourself. I will not tell them all myself. The last factor required is D ...
  5. Today there is a Ravana in every street and corner, which one do I set to fire? Every year during Dusshera we burn the effigies of Ravana but there does not appear to be any decrease in negativity and sin. The terrorists of today are also no less than Ravana himself. When will all this come to an end?

    If you only keep looking at the thorns, then when will you be able to see the beautiful flower? Even the thorny Babool (Acacia) tree bears flowers and they look so beautiful. Though this world is like the thorny Acacia tree, still there a ...
  6. Gurudev, what brings satisfaction in life? Whatever I do finally does not bring great joy and contentment after a while.

    The whole idea of finding satisfaction by doing something itself is not correct. Satisfaction comes from deep rest, by reposing deep within oneself. When you get established within your Self, then there is contentment. The satisfaction you think that co ...
  7. When will people around us recognize the significance of the subtle, unseen, yet powerful energy?

    I think the world is waking up slowly; they have woken up quite some bit from where they were before. A few decades back, it was so hard to talk to people about the unseen, ethereal reality. But today, it seems much easier. People seem to get it. Anyway ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, is this real or is the worldly family that awaits me real?

    For now, this is real, and tomorrow that is real! This real helps you to deal with that real. (Applause from the audience) And when that real appears to be very difficult, remember you had another level of reality in which you lived, and ...
  9. Dear Gurudev, what is the significance of different shlokas that you sing after meditation?

    It feels good, isn’t it that is the purpose. Infusing a little energy, and those seeds of wisdom uplift the consciousness because your consciousness knows this at a deeper level. Somewhere in our depth, we understand these chants, and in some unkn ...
  10. Dear Gurudev, could you please tell us the significance of the Canadian Ashram, why did you choose this place? Are there any historic links?

    When I spoke on the Ashtavakara Gita in India in 1990, sometime after that I told our people that I’ll come to Canada only when we have a place of our own. I gave it to them as a challenge, because until then we had been hiring venues here and the ...