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  1. If Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the sustainer, and Shiva is the dissolver, who is hiding and who is blessing?

    It is a function of the same; the five actions are of one God. All of them are blessing. It does not matter what name you call it.God is in control of the whole world. We only wish He makes it a little more obvious, then you would feel free f ...
  2. Gurudev, Chanakya’s pain was that Hindu kings had no concept of a united nation. Their fighting allowed Alexander and the Mughals to rule India. Even today rulers are in the garb of secular politicians. How do we revive the pride of Hinduism?

    Actually Hinduism means universalism. It is not just any sect. The president of India Dr. Radha Krishan was asked, 'Who is a Hindu?'He said by negating all the religions, i.e., one who is not a Muslim, one who is not a Christian and so on, ...
  3. Gurudev, Chanakya’s pain was that Hindu kings had no concept of a united nation. Their fighting allowed Alexander and the Mughals to rule India. Even today rulers are in the garb of secular politicians. How do we revive the pride of Hinduism?

    Actually Hinduism means universalism. It is not just any sect. The president of India Dr. Radha Krishan was asked, 'Who is a Hindu?' He said by negating all the religions, i.e., one who is not a Muslim, one who is not a Christian and so on, whoever i ...
  4. Can you please tell us about Narayana. Who and what is Narayana?

    Narayana is not a person. Narayana is the consciousness which is present in the human nervous system. Narayana is made up of light; a body that is made up of light. When you become totally hollow and empty, you incorporate that light body wit ...
  5. Gurudev, like there are different types of speech, are there different types of silence?

    Are there different types of emptiness. Silence is silence, emptiness is emptiness. If a bowl is empty, you can't ask what type of emptiness is it. But if it is filled you can ask what is it filled with. In speech, there are four different type of spee ...
  6. Gurdev, if Art of Living has everything to do with spirituality and nothing to do with religion then why do we sing so many bhajans about Krishna and Hindu Gods in general?

    Now, singing is part of spirituality. And the ancient chants that we sing are called mantras, they have vibrations that have an impact on you. So it is just a way of life. Om Namah Shivya is called mantra, and chanting mantras is part of spirituality ...
  7. Gurudev, just being in your presence is so amazing. Why do we need all these meditation practices? Is it necessary to be regular with it?

    Yes, so that you have something to do and I have something to do. There are four levels. First is Sanidhya which means feeling the presence. Then Samipya, feeling close to the Guru or to the Divine. The feeling of clo ...
  8. It often feels and appears that yoga and Hinduism exclude women, and this makes me think that we are not yet ready for a spiritual revolution. What can you tell us about this, and the role women play? Why are mostly men around you, while women cook and clean?

    Listen, there is no such thing. In Yoga, Hinduism, and Vedic wisdom, they don’t exclude women at all. Men and women are given equal status. In India, the tradition is, mother comes first and then comes father. They say, ‘Matri Devo Bhava ...
  9. It often feels and appears that yoga and Hinduism exclude women, and this makes me think that we are not yet ready for a spiritual revolution. What can you tell us about this, and the role women play? Why are mostly men around you, while women cook and clean?

    Listen, there is no such thing. In Yoga, Hinduism, and Vedic wisdom, they don’t exclude women at all. Men and women are given equal status. In India, the tradition is, mother comes first and then comes father. They say, ‘Matri Devo Bhava ...
  10. Gurudev, can you please tell us something about Asuras and Devas. Were Asuras bad people?

    Asuras are those who do not think about the spirit, they are only body bound or Earth bound. The Devas are spirit-bound. In fact both, the Asuras and Devas are children of the same person. Prajapati had two wives, Aditi and ...