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  1. Dear Guruji, I know that my parents love me but are not very affectionate. They do not express their affection the way I like it to be shown. How can I deal with these feelings and not be bothered by their actions?

    Don’t give it too much importance. Move on! In life these events happen, such occasions come. Such negativity comes, pleasantness comes; so what! None of them will stay forever, they come for a minute and they go. As I said, wisdom or yoga is a w ...
  2. Dear Guruji, how can I control the drives that are from the ego when they are impulsive and often lead to regret?

    By experience! When do you drop your ego? When it is painful. When you have had enough pain then you say enough is enough, and then you simply drop it. Either through wisdom or through pain you get over the smallness. If you have wisdom and a br ...
  3. What do we do while we are listening to mantras? Is it necessary to know the meaning of the chants?

    Allow the mantra to shower on you. It is called ‘Mantra Snana,’ taking a shower of the mantras. Memories may come up from past lives. Akashic records can come, it is okay. Don’t make a big deal out of it, take it as it comes. ...
  4. Gurudev, is there a limit to expanding?

    Keep expanding, I will tell you! Sit and be in the course 100% and become more hollow and empty. All clarity will come too. ...
  5. Gurudev, how can we bring more spirituality to Europe?

    We must all think how we can bring more spirituality to Europe. We will do everything possible to bring spirituality to Europe. 130 members of Parliament learnt the Art of Living course in Mexico. A lot of work is happening everywhere. ...
  6. Dear Guruji, when the body is physically hurt then one dies and the spirit leaves the body. Is the spirit so loosely associated with the body? Can the spirit move without getting hurt?

    Spirit doesn’t get hurt. It moves on. You can’t hurt a space. You can’t hurt air. The subtler you go in creation; there is nothing that can hurt there. You can’t divide it. It’s simply amazing. ...
  7. A few days ago you were talking about sattva, that water is the best transmitter. Is there a way to measure the sattva energy level?

    There should be some way to measure the energy levels. One of our Art of Living teachers is also a scientist. He developed a device for measuring the energy vibrations. He would measure on a person before and after meditation and he would find that th ...
  8. Dear Guruji, I’ve worked hard for three years but my supervisor killed my career without thinking. Now I am jobless and have lost my vision of life. How to deal with negative emotions about my boss?

    Listen, no point in sitting and brooding over the past. Wake up! With full energy, move forward. If you have lost one job, so what?! A million other jobs are there in the world. You can take another one. Never mind if you get paid a little bit less in ...
  9. Dear Guruji, I feel that I have made many mistakes in the past three years and I need to suffer the consequences and I am afraid. Is there anything I can do to alleviate these consequences?

    You being on the right path now itself is reducing the consequences. And your acceptance about the consequence itself is a relief. It puts you back on a higher pedestal. ...