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  1. Gurudev, what is your role in the India Against Corruption movement?

    I was the founding member. I was asked why I did not fast. I replied that I will not protest but I will support the movement. If I sit for the protest, there will be agitation in front of the embassies of 150 countries. This will bring a bad name ...
  2. Can the growth of the nation happen with spirituality?

    Definitely. Only with spirituality can the growth of the nation happen. Mahatma Gandhi was a deeply spiritual person. He used to read the Bhagavad Gita every day. My teacher was the one who taught the Bhagavad Gita to Gandhiji. He is still alive ...
  3. Gurudev, what is your goal?

    My goal is to see an undying smile on your face. I want to see a violence-free society filled with devotion. ...
  4. Gurudev, I tell so many people to do the course, but my husband does not want to do it. What should I do?

    Make your husband's friend do the course and make him bring your husband to the course. You don't throw a stone at a mango. You hit the branch and the mango will fall. Use indirect tactics! ...
  5. Gurudev, can you form a better political party for a better India?

    A reformer cannot be a ruler and a ruler cannot bring reforms. But I want good people to come into politics. If I start a political party, all good people would corner in one area. It would not be good for the society. I want good people everywhere. I ...
  6. I have experienced a lot of pain in my life. What is the solution for this?

    Life is like a river. There is both pain and pleasure. With the passage of time, friends become enemies and enemies become friends. All this keeps happening. Don't be sad that you have experienced pain. Move forward. Drop the past and move on. Th ...
  7. Moksha is a flavor of the mind before death or does one attain moksha after death?

    Being like one is dead while being alive is moksha. When the mind dies while you are alive, it is Moksha. ...
  8. Tomorrow the Teacher’s Training Course is going to start. Could you please say something about becoming a teacher?

    Being a teacher is a very noble job that you are going to get into. I am sure you will enjoy it. It is a life transforming experience. ...
  9. Gurudev, I know that the path of truth is supreme. However, one has to lie a little bit in business.

    Yes! In business, one can speak lies to some extent, as much as there is salt in the food. If you speak too many lies, you are likely to get into trouble. And if you do not add any salt, you will not be able to eat the food. So if lies exceed a certain lim ...