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  1. Gurudev, can you please tell me, what is time with respect to the whole universe?

    Time is a dimension, space is a dimension, mind is a dimension and mind is linked to time. I have spoken a lot about time. There is a small booklet on ‘time’ available at the divine shop. ...
  2. Gurudev, I wanted to ask you what is good and what is bad? And how do I know if the things that I am doing in life are good or bad?

    There is a very simple definition to know what is good and what is bad. 1. That which you do not want others to do to you is bad and that which you want others to do to you and you do to others is good. 2. That which gives you short term joy and long ter ...
  3. Gurudev, when people turn vegetarians they usually have vitamin B12 deficiency.

    Yes vegetarians usually have B12 deficiency if they do not take yogurt and milk. Milk and milk products are a must for vegetarians in small quantities. ...
  4. Jai Guru Dev, why should one person after understanding the fact that happiness is just a state of mind choose to be a world famous scientist rather than being a sweeper in a local place?

    Then one could ask why would someone become a sweeper rather than becoming a scientist?! There are 2 different things, anyone who becomes famous does not just crave for fame but they do something good so they become famous. Like if you have a passion t ...
  5. Gurudev, sometimes it so happens that the values of the parents are radically different from those of the offspring. And even though the child is financially secure, because of the child's values, personal and family life gets ruined and in the process the parents' life also becomes difficult. What should be done in such a situation?

    Just bring knowledge and awareness to people. Unless there is spiritual knowledge, this is what happens. They get entangled in the world, and with each other. They do not understand each other or themselves and put others into trouble as well as themselves ...
  6. Gurudev, please speak something about jaap and sankirtans.

    When someone is in love with somebody, they keep repeating their beloved's name, this is called jaap. And when they sing their beloved's name, it is called sankirtan. Everyone hums sometime or the other, whether in the shower or while doing some chore ...
  7. Gurudev, when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, what do we say to console them and what can we do?

    Tell them to do the 'Om Namah Shivaya' chanting. If it is the second or third stage of cancer there should be no problem. Nowadays, so many things have become available here. A soursop fruit performs the same function as chemotherapy without side ...
  8. If the whole existence is one then do we have a joint account of karma?

    Yes, there are so many types of karma. 1. Collective karma 2. Karma of the time 3. Karma of a place 4. Karma of a family 5. Karma of an individual There is individual karma, then you have family karma - what you call DNA. Th ...
  9. You have mentioned that Lord Krishna was full of joy. He was happy in all situations. However, in today's situation, I am not able to live like that.

    You are able to follow this for some time at least, isn't it? There is a saying, ‘think like Krishna but follow the footsteps of Rama.’ If you follow whatever Lord Krishna did, you will get into trouble! Follow Lord Krishna's principles and Lord Rama ...