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  1. Gurudev, please explain Opposite Values are Complimentary.

    In a movie there is a villain and there is a hero. Now because of the villain the hero becomes the hero. Somebody had to lose for you win. Just understand that much. You do not have to do anything with it, just listening is enough. ...
  2. Guruji with the help of Sudarshan Kriya and meditation I am able to be centered. But whenever I am not centered I get into anxiety and depression. How can I come out of this?

    You are going into depression because you want too much, too quickly, too soon, and there is no energy to get it. That could be the reason for depression. See life from a broader perspective. If you listen to knowledge and live the knowledge, then you can ...
  3. Dear Guruji, for the sake of love are we to sacrifice everything including our identity, morals, etc?

    Vivek (discrimination) is essential here. Love is not an emotional thing. Sometimes people think I am so devoted I should get this privilege; I should get to sit right in front. I should get the privilege to do this my way. That is no good. Love ...
  4. Jai Guru Dev, if we are all nothing but waves which go back to the ocean then what is the significance of energies like Yamaraja and Chitragupta in time and space?

    This is a very deep understanding about Chitragupta. Our consciousness has records of all that is happening, what we call akashic records. Now, in this place, there are one thousand television channels right here. If you take a very powerful tele ...
  5. I am not a person who cannot read books and assimilate the knowledge. I am able to learn only through experience. When I face a problem then I understand what is happening.

    Don’t make concepts. Keep an open mind because you don’t know much about your consciousness. You know very little about your mind. What we know of our mind is only one tenth of its whole. Our mind is so huge; our consciousness is so vast that whatever we ...
  6. Gurudev, I want to know the purpose of life. Why am I here?

    You are very lucky that you have got this intense desire to know who you are and what you want to do. Keep this desire burning and continue to do your practices and listen to more knowledge. Do the advanced course; you will understand a lot more about your ...
  7. Dear Guruji, This is the first time I am doing the course. After Sudarshan Kriya my tears kept flowing and my mind became silent. I went for a walk to understand what was happening in my mind. Can you tell me?

    When your mind becomes silent it gains energy, it gains intuitive capacity. So this is a very important thing you have learnt. A new dimension added to your life. ...
  8. Dear Guruji, two years back I asked for blessings. You blessed me and things changed. I got so busy with my job that my wish to work for the Art of Living is not being fulfilled.

    When the tree is full of fruits and you start enjoying the fruits, you forget to water the roots. It is good you remembered, so now water the roots every day. Be engaged in some seva project. ...
  9. Dear Guruji, what is difference between laziness and relaxation?

    When there is something important to do and you don’t do it that is laziness. Relaxation is when you have done your work and you are at ease. ...
  10. Dear Guruji, I just did the basic course which was wonderful. But as I am growing older my happiness is eroding and some unknown fear is coming. What do I do?

    That is the purpose of sadhana and satsang. It will take away the fear from you and give you inner peace, confidence, joy and happiness back again. See the joy and happiness in everybody here. ...