Wisdom Search

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  1. Do you represent religion?

    I represent spirituality which is the essence of all religions. I represent humanism which is the essence of all religions. I represent love and wisdom which is the goal of all religions, and I represent multi-religious dialogue and multi-cultural festi ...
  2. What is the way of life of Art of Living?

    Art of Living is to live life with wisdom and with a broad vision. The Art of living is to create a violence-free society, disease-free body, confusion-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free memory and sorrow-free soul. ...
  3. How to go beyond physical suffering?

    When you sleep, you go beyond the body and beyond pain. But if you meditate, you can consciously go beyond pain. ...
  4. Love or reason?

    Both are part of life. You should not choose between them. It is like asking someone ‘Should I watch or listen to television?’ You have to do both.When you do business, do it with reason. When you relate to people don’t do it as ...
  5. Gurudev, what is fear and what is fantasy? Many of my fears in day to day life are baseless; things that will never happen. Why do I picture the worst scenario?

    Fear is love upside down. If you have fear, then know that you have the ability to love. So, when you fall in love or raise in love, your fear will simply dissipate. Fear is nothing but another way of love. ...
  6. Gurudev, is there an intelligent life outside the planet earth?

    You can’t say no, there isn’t. To say no, you have to explore everything. If you can’t say no, it means yes. ...
  7. When everything is changing then how can it still be meaningful.

    Everything is changing and that change is meaningful. Everything is changing, and there is something which is not changing. And the changing and non-changing are two sides of the same coin. The non-changing has become the changing, that is the meaning o ...
  8. Gurudev, why there is pain in longingness?

    The pain is good will make you very creative. It will bring out the poet from within you, or it will make you an artist. It can also bring out the sevak in you. It can bring out the warrior in you. You have so many good qualities, and longing will bring ...
  9. In India, there are so many temples but unfortunately there is ill maintenance of our temples. The people who visit these temples behave badly and mess up the temples. As a result, a lot of our children do not want to go to temples anymore. What is the way forward?

    Yes, this is true especially in Tamil Nadu, but not in Karnataka. If you see the temples in Karnataka, they are kept very neat and clean. We need to teach the people in Tamil Nadu to maintain cleanliness.Often people come to the temple, break a co ...
  10. Gurudev, my children have brought home a puppy, and every time I touch the puppy I feel I have to take a bath before I say my prayers. I am now fed up with having to bathe so many times. What should I do?

    (Laughter) It is not necessary to keep on bathing like this. You need to be clean but you can just wash your hands before you say your prayers, that is good enough. Dogs are also a part of God. We don’t bathe for God, we bathe so that we are clean ...