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  1. How do we decide what is right or wrong?

    That which gives you long-term happiness and short-term problem, is right. That which gives short-term happiness and long-term misery, is wrong. ...
  2. I’m always bothered by the feeling of ‘What about me?’ How do I handle this?

    If you find it difficult to drop ‘What about me’, start with ‘What about us’. Turn that ‘me’ into ‘us’. ...
  3. Do heaven and hell exist?

    You can create one! You can create heaven when your mind is connected with your spirit. You can create hell if you don't understand yourself and the people around you. ...
  4. If we remove greed and competition from man, does he become godlike?

    Of course. Godliness is where there is no greed, no selfishness; where there is large heartedness, love for all. That is godliness, isn't it? ...
  5. Shall I blame our luck or destiny if something bad happens to me?

    Why do you want to blame? Tell me! If something bad has happened, learn a lesson from it. Everything that has gone wrong has made you stronger, deeper somewhere. It has contributed to your personality, isn’t it? So be thankful, and move on.< ...
  6. There are so many people in the world, why is there such little humanity?

    No, that is only a perception. Whatever is your perception, that is how you see things. If you see things from my perception, you will see humanity everywhere. Those who we classify as wrong people, there is humanity in them also; it is ...
  7. When will the world be free from nuclear weapons?

    When people become spiritual! When we spiritualize politics, socialize business and secularize religion, then the world will be free from weapons. Religions should be secular. Religious leaders should be secular in their outlook. Th ...
  8. Gurudev, I am a Government servant. My earnings are meager. Can I lead a successful and luxurious life without engaging in corruption?

    Do you want to sleep in peace? Do you want to walk fearlessly? Do you want to live with confidence with your head held high? The happiness that you get from leading an honest life is something you can never get by leading a dishonest life. You may hav ...
  9. Gurudev, the way today’s TV serials depict characters like Mahadev, Parvati, Jalandhar, etc., is it realistic? Please shed some light on this.

    Well, it does not quite appeal to me either. They show Parvati (the consort of Lord Shiva and form of Mother Divine) as someone who keeps getting angry, keeps getting upset so easily and keeps yelling every now and then. These are not divine qualities ...
  10. Dear Gurudev, there is a friend of mine who is working in a government factory. She has not received her salary for the past seven months now, but she is still smiling. She has asked me to convey this to you Gurudev.

    Yes I know this. It is so surprising that some people who are working in government offices have not gotten their salary for the whole year. How do they pay their bills? The same is the case with some airlines. I was surprised to know that some airlin ...