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  1. Gurudev, will meditation help in studies?

    Meditation will definitely help in studies, because it calms your mind, improves circulation and energizes your whole system. Concentration is a byproduct of meditation. You can't directly achieve concentration, but if you meditate for a few minutes, ...
  2. Gurudev, I want to know whether I should become a drummer, singer or a scientist. What should I do?

    ou know you can do all three. You can practice your drum as an extra-curricular activity and as a hobby you can sing. You can become a scientist too. All three can go together. There is no either-or. At this age, there is no choice. As kids you s ...
  3. Can love happen twice? Husband and wife are already in a relationship? Can husband or wife start loving someone else?

    Tell me are you single or married? Ok, so you are single. If you are married and your wife tells you that she loves someone else, then how will you feel? (I will feel bad.) If you flirt with someone else, she will feel the same. Once you decide to get m ...
  4. Do we have to be independent or do we need to look for interdependency?

    You don’t have to be interdependent; it is just that you need to realize it. The word ‘independent’ is obsolete. It is nature that we are interdependent on. We have one nature, one ocean, one air, one earth and everyone is dependent up ...
  5. In the Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna says that one must not care about the result of his work. But if we do not think about the fruits that follow our hard and Smart work, then what will motivate us to do that hard work?

    If you don’t think of the fruit, how would you know which direction to put your efforts in? Give your 100 percent, but know that there is no control over the fruit of action. If the attention is only on the end result, then you can’t perform ...
  6. There are some schools of thoughts that say that you must always be aware of what your competitors are doing because if you don’t see your competitors, you will be like a bridled horse. You will end up making the best calculator of the world when the world has moved to computers. So how do you reconcile the two schools of thoughts?

    The challenge is to manage the two contradictions - that is the job of the youth. One should be aware of the competitors. At the same time, one should have an eye of Arjuna. Be aware of what’s happening around you and one-pointedness towards the g ...
  7. How to choose right career path?

    Identifying your energy type is the most important. There are 3 energy types, predominance in creativity, sustenance or challenge facing ability. What kind of person are you? First identify that. Then it will become easy for you to choose a carrier. &nd ...
  8. If one doesn’t want to do a full time job then what are the options available, as in business/franchise?

    Take calculated risks. Experiment and be ready to fail. Don’t be scared of failure. You don’t do business because you don’t want to do a job. You do business because you have a great business idea and you have a passion to pursue it. - ...
  9. What does a person with passion and aptitude, but very less investment does?

    If you have a passion and aptitude then a lot can be done with less investment too. Whatever your idea is, you need to talk to experts and have a practical implementation plan for it. - Contributed By Yes Plus Teachers ...