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  1. Gurudev, after passing 10th standard I have also passed 12th standard. How many tests do I have to pass to prove my intelligence to this world?

    Those who do not have certain things think that others do not have it too. Even I have been giving proof all along so you too keep giving proof for some more time. what else? Think of your examinations also as play so that you do not feel pressured by them ...
  2. Gurudev, at one time the farmers in this country were rich and dignified. Those farmers who feed the country are now sleeping empty stomach, what have they done wrong and how to we improve this?

    The minister, who is sitting on the farmers needs to either get some intelligence or needs to be removed from his position, even I have been thinking about this. Since he has taken the position of the minister he has done useless work which resulted in dro ...
  3. Gurudev, there are criminals among the cabinet ministers, where are we heading, where is this country going?

    It needs a major stir; to stir the ministers we need a major stir. Every one of you will have to work and take a sankalpa to eradicate corruption. Everything will definitely change, situations will change. ...
  4. Dear Guruji, could you talk about spirits and ghosts, do they exist? How to get rid of them if they start liking you too much?

    You know, it’s like getting into a muddy pond and trying to jump out of it. The more you try to jump out of it you sink into it. So the best thing is just do your sadhana and worry about people around you. Do some service project and get into some service ...
  5. What is the best form of prayer? Something that leaves god with no choice but to answer immediately, what is that prayer?

    Being silent and knowing that the divinity is taking care of everything - that is the best form of prayer; the best prayer is meditation. ...
  6. What are the qualities of a good disciple?

    Why don’t you take it as your homework exercise? You write down the qualities and then tell me. Tomorrow we will put a sheet and everybody write one quality on that. For two days we will write down all the qualities. If someone else has already mentioned a ...
  7. Gurudev, there are so many mantras. How do we know which mantra is right for me?

    Do Sahaj and whatever mantra your teacher gives you will be appropriate for you. ...
  8. Gurudev, what is the relation between Mantra and Yantra?

    One is mantra is for one yantra. Mantra means word, yantra means picture. Mantra has a sound and yantra has a form. ...
  9. Gurudev, why are all mantras in Sanskrit? What is so special about Sanskrit?

    No, Sanskrit was derived later. Mantras were already there. The words of the mantra were already there; later on the languages was created. Not only in Sanskrit, but when you go deeper into all languages, you will find all these mantras. ...