30 August 2014 - QA 2

Gurudev, my life is quite uncertain. I am unable to understand what is the goal of my life. I get influenced by my surroundings easily. Show me the right path.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

The first goal for a student is to excel in studies and make a career. At the same time be multi-faceted and improve your talents. This is a time for you to develop as many talents as you can. Studying alone will not give you enough satisfaction. Do a lot other extra co-curricular activities and see that they don’t eat up your main focus.
Focus on your studies. Don’t think, ‘Oh I don’t like it. I want to leave it.’ No way. When students come and tell me this, I always tell them, ‘First you finish your studies. Whatever you have taken, you complete your graduation and then everything else’.