SEED event

20 Apr 2013
Calgary, Canada

Gurudev’s evening keynote address entitled ‘Enlightenment: The Answer to Everything’ opened with spiritual music that set the room of 2500 in harmony.

The Mayor gave a welcome address introducing Gurudev, he praised all of the good work he has done globally, and encouraged the citizens of Calgary to become more involved in their communities.

Mayor Nenshi then gave him the Calgarian welcome of a white cowboy hat and announced him as an honorary citizen of Calgary and then asked the crowed to initiate Gurudev by all saying together, ‘Yee-Haw’.

He answered questions with delight, many about meditation. In response to, “Is it hard?”, as he put on and took off the hat, he said: “It is as easy as putting on and taking off a hat…”

He taught the technique of reducing stress in the shoulders and neck and everyone loved it. He led a meditation and as someone from the audience shared: ‘…15 minutes, we sat shoulder to shoulder.  Truly, a blissful time!’


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