
Rural Development-Approach

Social and economic development must have human development at the core of its planning and conception. It must work towards nurturing the individual which in turn uplifts the community spirit. Only then development will be sustainable and successful.

Policy making and planning agencies must continuously be in conversation with human and social factors for true sustainability. A sense of belonging, sharing, non-violence, and caring for life, and for the planet are among the values that the 5H Program aims to nurture in individuals and societies at large.

Youth Empowerment

Breath-Water-Sound Workshop (BWS)

The Breath-Water-Sound Workshop is a short – 6 to 9 hour - dynamic program, designed for people who have gone through emotional upheaval, anxiety, violence, substance abuse and/or physical illnesses, and who may be financially, physically or emotionally challenged. It is designed to motivate, educate and empower people with tools to lead a healthier, independent and meaningful life. Equal attention is given to individual well-being and growth, as well as to aspects of long-lasting community development.

Personal Transformation

The workshop incorporates simple yet powerful techniques to relieve people of stress and improve clarity of thought. These include:

  • Breathing exercises to help alleviate physical and emotional stress
  • Simple meditation techniques
  • Talks on healthy diet and healthy living
  • Motivation to make life-supporting decisions

These techniques teach how to effectively deal with and dissolve negative emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, anxiety or depression. By overcoming these barriers, people who have done the program report abilities to stay strong and clear-headed in the face of difficult situations, so that they can lead their life with enthusiasm and purpose.

Community Development

A major component of Breath-Water-Sound is community service. A considerable portion of the program is dedicated to community empowerment and taking responsibility for the needs of one's own community.

Our premise is that people do not identify themselves with being of service when they feel a lot of pressure from their daily lives. Too much or inappropriate stress and lack of confidence overwhelm an individual and this in turn, affects society at large. These Breath Water Sound workshops conducted by The Art of Living help to overcome this problem.

Potential youth are picked from the Breath-Water-Sound workshops, based on community feedback and sometimes in collaboration with existing youth organizations. These youth are then trained on the Youth Leadership Training Programs to become youth leaders and community developers.

Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP) - Building Dynamic Leaders for Tomorrow

Youth today face a number of important choices at home, at school and socially as they navigate a rapidly changing world.

With so many influences giving direction to young people, cultivating the qualities of inner strength and compassion is essential for tomorrow's leaders. The Art of Living empowers young people to move from being influenced by their environment, to having an influence on their environment. It works to ensure that tomorrow's voices for peace and unity are stronger than those of violence and self-centeredness.

Youth are given the tools to see clearly, so that young people have the vision to do something positive in their communities. They also have the energy to translate their vision into action. YLTP creates a platform for youth to make a difference in their townships and villages. Local youth are encouraged, motivated, recruited, trained extensively and they become ‘Agents of Positive Change’.

YLTP puts special emphasis on training women to become youth leaders, as change is only sustainable when women are fully participating in the process. Read more

Our unique 3 - stage approach

  • Human Development Programs aimed at uplifting the individual spirit
  • Socio-economic Development Projects aimed at sustainable solutions
  • Forum for Dialogues to create and leverage on

5H Funding

Individuals, who participate in the various stress-relief, health and wellness courses offered by The Art of Living, contribute towards the funding of the 5H program. Some of the programs are funded jointly with the State or Government. Some part of the contributions come from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).



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