Youth Empowerment and Skills workshop (YES! Plus)


A powerful life-skills program, that charges students and young professionnals with a fresh breath of vigor, enthusiasm, excellence and responsibility. YES! Plus enables you to absorb the freshness, the repose and all the positivity around you, and helps you discharge stress, inhibitions, bad habits, and barriers.

YES! Plus is a brilliant mix of antiquity and the contemporary. It is a smooth blend of ancient wisdom, yoga, pranayama (breath control), and meditation, fused with contemporary intellectual exchanges, music and games. It includes a powerful and famous breathing technique, the Sudarshan Kriya.

Unleash the leader inside you, live your unbounded potential, showcase your exuberant personality, contribute your greatness to the planet, discover your true self.

YES! plus is worth a million bucks… but we will give you a concession! :)

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YES! Plus Videos


YES! Plus / Holland


YES! Plus / Argentina



YES! Plus / India



Side effects of YES! Plus

  • Experience:

    The state of our mind 2 hours before an exam or a presentation often is - high on focus and low on relaxation
    The state of our mind 2 months before an exam or a presentation often is - high on relaxation and low on focus


    In the 1st case, because of stress, we tend to forget things that we know and as a result we goof up real bad! In the 2nd case, we waste a lot of time doing nothing and regret later.

    In both cases, our efficiency is only 50%
    The good news is that, there is a possibility in the realm of the mind to be both, Focussed and Relaxed at the same time! But this is an art. And an easy way to get there, involves practising the techniques taught in the YES!+


    When you sit with your books to study for 2 hours ( or start work on your project), you will actually be equipped to study (or work) for 2 full hours!

  • Experience:

    What opposes confidence is “doubts”
    When someone tells you “I love you” our head we often go “Really???”
    But when someone tells you “I hate you”... we don’t question it!
    (Try calling someone elderly at home and tell them how much you love them. Check response for proof:))


    We often doubt love. And our capabilities. And anything positive in general.
    We never doubt hatred. Or depression. Or negative things.
    But children aren’t like this. Because they have high energy levels.
    So the whole skill is in keeping our energy levels high!


    The powerful breathing techniques taught in the YES+ will infuse high energy levels in you, dissolving useless doubts. You will surprise yourself with how much initiative you take and with what enthusiasm.

  • Experience:

    10 compliments one insult. What is almost impossible to forget?
    One year of great friendship and one argument.What do we remember more?


    Whether we like it or not, we keep collecting emotional stress on a day-to-day basis. This is because not all people and situations are going to be the exact way we want them to be
    So it is easy to say “Don’t get angry.Don’t feel jealous”etc. But how?!


    The YES!+ program techniques help flush out this emotional stress as a result of which we are capable of taking better decision, experience more enthusiasm, creativity and joy.

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Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More