Wisdom Search

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  1. Dear Guruji, how many Gods are there?

    How many rays of the Sun are there? Tell me! There are as many Gods as there are rays of the sun. One God but many rays, and each ray is a form of God. Each ray represents a particular aspect of the Divinity. ...
  2. Gurudev, what is life? What is Art of Living?

    The Art of Living is keeping your mind under control even in adverse conditions and being in equanimity and then accepting people as they are. Not all people will be like you, but do not go away from the relationship because they are different, and ha ...
  3. Once you are on this path know that you are purified!

    Mahasatsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Chandigarh Is all your work getting done? This is what grace is! Whoever comes on this path grace is always in abundance. Instead of bringing flowers for me, you blossom as a flower. There should always be a smile o ...
  4. What should people do if their wish is not getting fulfilled?

    Wait for some time. Sometimes we don’t know what we want or we want something but then we change our mind. How many times have you felt that it was good that what you desired did not get fulfilled? (Many raise their hands) So always along with your p ...
  5. May everyone's tears become sweet tears of love!

    Mahasatsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Orrisa Satsang means the uniting of hearts with hearts, communicating through the heart. All these formalities are only on the surface but your meeting with your Self is satsang. This year the Art of Living has comp ...
  6. Gurudev, the hot topic nowadays is corruption. How can we, as engineers, eradicate corruption? We are busy attending classes and working on projects.

    Today we took a sankalpa, we will not give bribe and we will not take bribe. We will do a mass movement. This will stop corruption. And a strong Lokpal bill is also needed. Keep at it and do not lose your faith. Don't lose your mind, your conviction. ...
  7. Gurudev, I only get criticized and I get depressed. How to manage and what to do?

    When people criticize you, you should just listen to them. If there is something good in it, take it and if there is nothing good then just leave it, ignore it. They can comment, so what! You should not lose your equanimity. ...
  8. Gurudev, we want to congratulate you and thank you for creating such a grand university in Orissa. How can we participate in this and how can we contribute to this?

    It is your university and you can contribute to it in any form. Have your children enroll in the university. We are offering a new subject Osteopathy; for the first time in India there will be a college of Osteopathy. In the world they exist in England, C ...
  9. What does beauty mean according to you?

    If someone has a beautiful mind, that is real beauty. ...