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  1. We have all experienced joy because of you, but can you please share what has brought you joy?

    If I didn't have happiness, then how could I share it with everybody? We can only give what we have. ...
  2. How to maintain enthusiasm throughout the day?

    You are enthusiastic now, right? How did you get this enthusiasm now? Answer: Because you are here that is why I am enthusiastic!) Feel that I am always with you. Then you will always be enthusiastic! ...
  3. Gurudev, I do Gayatri mantra every day for one hour and I have experienced the same effect here that I experience from it. I feel very good. Can I do it with Sudarshan Kriya?

    Sitting and doing Gayatri mantra for one hour is not necessary. Doing it for a little while is okay. Do only as much as you can do. Yes you can chant Gayatri mantra after doing Sudarshan Kriya and meditation. ...
  4. Gurudev, in my times of difficulty I have been seeing you in clouds, in the sky.

    God gives us miracles every day in our life but there are times we don't see it. Become aware of it and see the abundance. Miracles are in abundance. Don't go after miracles; miracles are there to bring the trust in you, ‘yes the divine is taking care ...
  5. Gurudev, you have visited many countries around the world. All these counties have many different cultures and many different Gods. Why do we need these many Gods? Isn’t one God enough?

    When I went to Pakistan for the first time, they asked me the same thing. They said, ‘we believe in one God but in India you people believe in 33 million Gods. What is this?’ I said, 'In Islam there is one God, but ninety nine names. In India we have ...
  6. Gurudev, what is the difference between a Saint and a Guru? Kabir, Guru Nanak, Gyaneshwar, and Mirabai were all saints.

    These are all names, it is all the same. Those who increase your sattva are Saints and those who remove ignorance are Gurus. ...
  7. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    It is important to have a clean mind. If you do pooja wearing a wet cloth (symbolism of purity) but your mind is not clean, it is not of much use. The cloth is also quite dirty sometimes and the water used may not be clean too! Some people take a ...
  8. How does one ensure that local languages survive?

    If local languages need to survive, people must have a sense of pride in that region and language. Hindi, our national language wouldn't have survived too. The film industry has given a lot of support for this. Actors, singers and many others in the f ...
  9. Gurudev, is this 'Tat Tvam Asi' (Thou art that)?

    Yes, this is what is Tat Tvam Asi; Mahavaakya, the great sentence. You are that - when you experience that there is no other. The whole universe is made up of one vibration. It is one thing that has become many. This is the modern thou ...
  10. Dearest Guruji, I fall in love with everything including myself whenever I come here and whenever I meet you.

    That is what it is all about - to fall in love with one's Self. And what is this Self? 'Who am I? I am not a tiny being bound in this body, I am magnanimous, omnipresent. Lord Krishna also says the same, 'Avajaananti mam mudha', these foolish people t ...