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  1. What do we need to do to increase faith?

    There is no need to put effort. Faith comes by itself. There are 3 types of faith: 1) Faith in ourselves 2) Faith in the society 3) Faith in a supreme power that governs us all If we have faith in any one of these, we can progress in ...
  2. What are your thoughts on the Caste system?

    Classifying people based on their birth is incorrect. All human beings are one! ...
  3. When should we listen to the head and when should we listen to the heart?

    While doing business listen to the head. To lead life, listen to the heart. ...
  4. Acceptance brings calmness in the mind

    When should we listen to the head and when should we listen to the heart? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: While doing business listen to the head. To lead life, listen to the heart. Basavanna (a great Kannada poet who lived a few centuries ago) has said, ’Compassion ...
  5. If the eyes are steady in one place, it is impossible for the mind to wander

    Guruji with the help of Sudarshan Kriya and meditation I am able to be centered. But whenever I am not centered I get into anxiety and depression. How can I come out of this? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You are going into depression because you want too much, to ...
  6. Some people in my country believe in substances that change their mind. I do not know what to tell them to make them change?

    Substances are not good because they seem to give you a high but then it takes away the energy, joy, and beauty from the people who do substance abuse. You must tell them to so Sudarshan Kriya. ...
  7. Gurudev, how can I be more consistent in my sadhana and my spiritual practices?

    Sometimes at home you do not feel like doing your sadhana but when you go to the group kriya you are made to do it there. So do it with company. You will always feel better with one more person with you. The ancient people used to say, ‘ekas tapasvi, ...
  8. Gurudev, I am confused about what choice I should make between two job opportunities that are seemingly the same. How do I know which one will be good for me in the long run?

    I know you have a lot of confusion. There is a Chinese proverb that says, ‘The best thing to do when you are so confused is to take a pillow and go to bed.’ When you are so confused any choice you make, you will think something else is better. So ...